Only Human - GTOP

Nov 11, 2009 00:59

Title: Only Human
Pairing: GTOP, DaeRi
Genre: Angst/Drama, Fluff
Summary: Jealousy is apart of human nature. It's what shows us, tells us that we have a heart and what tells us we're human. So it's okay to feel jealous or sad or angry. Everyone feels it. No one can be exempt from it. After all, we're only human.
A/N: For heatherxwho. ahaha. I wrote the same thing ( Read more... )

fluff, fanfic: oneshot, genre: drama, gtop

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Comments 13

heatherxwho November 11 2009, 09:31:48 UTC
Me: awww. it's not bad.
You: not good either tho. :P

writer's complex man. we all think our work sucks.
but i appreciate you writing this for me even though
this was originally written as ToBae. :]

i liked it since it's G-TOP. hehe.


xbigbangx November 11 2009, 09:36:18 UTC
bahaha. I suppose so~
And hm. Well, actually it's different from the ToBae one. xD But it follows a similar storyline. 8D
But, you're very welcome. ^^
I told you I might write something for you if you ever logged onto aim. lol. ;D


heatherxwho November 11 2009, 09:40:04 UTC
we gotta do this again some time. hehe.
maybe i could write you a fic, but really, i'm not very
creative or eloquent with words. you know how long
it took me to write those itunes drabbles? haha.

but if you give me a prompt, i'll try to get around
to writing a story around it. ;]


xbigbangx November 11 2009, 10:21:18 UTC
we most def should. ahaha.
man. neither am I. I just really like writing. xD
and nope. lol.
but oooooooh. yeah. sure. ahaha. ;DD


blind_birdy November 11 2009, 15:36:33 UTC
it's just beautiful from the very first word 'till the end
so making believe it ♥


xbigbangx November 12 2009, 07:19:37 UTC
oh my, really hun? thanks a bunch. ^^
I try my best. ahaha. thanks for reading + commenting.
btw, love your icon. ;]


daesung_fanatic November 12 2009, 02:24:06 UTC



xbigbangx November 12 2009, 07:20:26 UTC
lol. the excessive stretch of the E is lulz. XD
anywaysss, it was? thanks. ahaha. I didn't think it was that great of fluff, but w/e.
thanks for reading + commenting.


starrkat94 November 12 2009, 02:36:14 UTC
haha. :) i liked it. and it made sense :) pshh. good writing. :) gtop-ness. :D


xbigbangx November 12 2009, 07:21:56 UTC
ahaha. yeah. you like 'bout anything I write. XD
lol, ty though~ and course gtop
thanks for reading + commenting.


starrkat94 November 12 2009, 09:13:06 UTC
haha. of course. you know why? hehe. cause its good :D and fun to read.


winglit November 12 2009, 03:25:41 UTC
It wasn't fail I <3 this one and the ToBae one ^_^


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