Together Forever/Dirty Little Secret

Oct 28, 2009 15:46

Title: Together Forever / Dirty Little Secret
Genre: fluff, with a tad bit of angst.
Pairing: any.
Author: xbigbangx/loventell
Summary: He asks him to promise him something, but never tells him why. "A secret" he says.
A/N: I tried to keep this kind of vague so you guys could interpret it however you want. A bit cryptic? Hope you like it.

His dirty little secret. )

fluff, fanfic: oneshot, genre: angst

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Comments 23

daesung_fanatic October 29 2009, 01:01:59 UTC
Yes I know I already read it on MSN but u twicked it a TINY bit LOLZ

it's still good though <3333333333


xbigbangx October 30 2009, 05:03:00 UTC
lol. Yeah. didn't change much~
and thank you. It took forever to type up. 8D;


hiroyukishinji October 29 2009, 01:05:29 UTC this is just... Its drawing two emotions out of me. I want to smile at the cuteness. The whole promise thing is just something that I could see Bongie doing you know? the innocence behind the whole thing.

only to find out its not so cute and innocent. Its heartbreaking.

I'm not gonna lie. This brought tears to my eyes. Kind of reminds me of a situation I went through with a friend a couple years ago. Not with a lover but a close friend.

very well done.


xbigbangx October 30 2009, 05:05:31 UTC
Aw. I'm glad you enjoyed it. Mission accomplished for the bittersweet type of feel? ^^
Yeah, I know what you mean. I have my bias in my mind when I wrote this but it's all free for open interpretation.
Aww. that's sad. I hope things turned out fine?

Thank you very much. for reading commenting and sharing (:


winglit October 29 2009, 01:31:35 UTC
awww that made me kinda sad :__;


xbigbangx October 30 2009, 05:06:31 UTC
aw~ I'm sorry. It was originally supposed to be really sweet romance type with fluffyness, but lord knows that I just love to make things a bit more complicated.
ahaha. Thank you for reading and commenting. (:


winglit October 30 2009, 05:08:02 UTC
lol i'm a cry baby though XD plus recently everything has been making me cry


xbigbangx October 30 2009, 23:25:48 UTC
ahaha. same here, yay. not the only one~ hi5? 8D


starrkat94 October 29 2009, 02:53:46 UTC
argh :) i love it. and for some reason, i read it as gtop.. hmm. i must have some sort of problem.
anyways. :) i loved itt. and it was sweet. but sad.. mann. :) love love loved it. ahah.


xbigbangx October 30 2009, 05:07:44 UTC
pfft. I was thinking of GTOP when I wrote this. xD but ssh. It's whatever pairing you want it to be. ahaha.
If you have a problem, we both do then.~
But aaaaww. Thank you. It was originally supposed to be romance fluff but yeah. I turned it into complicated..nes.. x3
Thanks for reading and commenting. 8D


starrkat94 October 30 2009, 06:21:40 UTC
hahah. :) oh well. im going to keep on thinking it was GTOP :) just cause that how I do things now. haha.
oh well. I loved it :D


xbigbangx October 30 2009, 23:26:18 UTC
lol. kay then. w/e. GTOP lover (:
ahaha, anyways. thank you, again.


heatherxwho October 29 2009, 06:16:46 UTC
it's cool that you give the readers the chance to picture
whatever pairing they want. twas well written and the
storyline was bittersweet. :]


xbigbangx October 30 2009, 05:08:53 UTC
Bittersweet indeed. Exactly what I was aiming for.
I wanted to do free and open interpretation since I wanted to try my hand at something a little different.
Thanks a bunch for reading and commenting. ^^


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