Boredom Ensues.

Oct 08, 2009 00:37

Title: Boredom
Pairing: GTOP
Length: Drabble
Summary: Jiyong is bored. Bothering ensues.
A/N: I was on aim I was chatting and I wrote this up randomly. bahaha. It's lame makes no sense. Has no plot setting or anything. just. blah. ahaha. Hope you like it. xD wrote this in like... 10 mins -__-;; (bound to be bad).


read it! )


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Comments 15

starrkat94 October 8 2009, 07:48:12 UTC
ahahaha :) heheh. i read this :) ahah. aka. you like. wrote it on aim to me. hehe. :) and i loved it. which you already know. and i liked it, which you already know. and you told me to post my random thing that didnt make sense on my lj, so its there, but i shouldnt say that.. because then people will read my crap. ahaha. and its crappy. hence the crap. yes. but enough about mine. :)
YOURS :D ahah. i liked it. and i think you already know what i think. but i felt like commenting anyways. :) hehe.
i liked it. and i loved it. and i love gtop :)


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xbigbangx October 9 2009, 01:23:59 UTC
Me neither ;D
thankies. For liking this.. weird w/e it is : D and thankies for reading and commenting (:


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xbigbangx October 9 2009, 01:24:26 UTC
teehee? thank you (: (for reading and commenting ;D) you get a cookie! ahaha. :P


heatherxwho October 8 2009, 10:27:03 UTC
rawr. naughty little Ji.

this was not lame and/or bad btw. it was indeed funny and i liked it. ^__^


xbigbangx October 9 2009, 01:25:21 UTC
yup. tsk tsk. naughty Ji needs to keep himself in check. bahaha.
aaww, thank you! ahaha. So it is funny. :P yayy! I can write something funny! x3 thanks for reading and commenting! *give you a cookie*


heatherxwho October 9 2009, 02:45:31 UTC
yum. cookie. ^__^


atenais_pala October 8 2009, 16:16:58 UTC
Its really funny. I can imagine Jiyong acting like this. Thank you for your fic!!!


xbigbangx October 9 2009, 01:25:58 UTC
orly?! bahaha. Actuallyl, so can I. x3
You're welcome! Thank You for reading and commenting! : D
-gives you a cookie-


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