A right person to juggle multiple balls

Jun 26, 2009 16:11

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Хеломские обитатели известны широтой своего кругозора: каких только газет и журналов не найдёшь у них в домашних библиотеках сортирах!

Вот, к примеру, cтатья в июньском номере журнала Vogue о г-же Сьюзан Райс, новом постоянном представителе США при ООН. Даже после скидки на характер и целевую аудиторию этого несколько специфического издания (тщательные описания нарядов и макияжа порадуют читательниц "Хеломских Ведомостей"), статья обрисовывает цельный, яркий и неординарный образ. Вот лишь несколько цитат на языке оригинала.

Главное достоинство г-жи посла: Rice is a first-class charmer, a gracious and consummate host who knows exactly whose hand to shake firmly, whom not to touch at all, whose cheeks to kiss twice, and whom to simply throw her arms around. [...] around and around she goes for nearly an hour. Pleasure to meet you… what an honor… how wonderful to see you again.

Успешная карьера: At 44, Rice is, in fact, the second-youngest U.S. ambassador to the United Nations since its inception in 1945. [...] A Rhodes scholar who earned a doctorate in international relations at Oxford University, Rice joined President Clinton's National Security Council staff in 1993, at the tender age of 28. Within a few years she catapulted over several more senior staffers to become, at 32, the youngest-ever assistant secretary of State.*

Личное ноу-хау и дипломатические таланты: In an effort to change the perception of how the United States is viewed by the U.N. as quickly as possible, Rice hosted an unprecedented series of Wednesday-evening receptions. In just one month, she thinks, she may have met all 192 permanent representatives to the United Nations, either in a social context or in "one-on-one meetings with the people from the member states and many of the senior officials inside the U.N. I've way lost count of how many of those I've done." [...] Senator Wirth observes, "it was interesting how many of those people she knows and how many relationships she already has with a number of the ambassadors. They were saying, 'Oh, I talked to you yesterday' or 'Thanks for coming over for dinner the other night.' She's obviously in a very short period of time created a pretty strong network."

Развитое чувство ответственности за порученное дело и тщательное продумывание каждого шага (прямая речь героини!): "For as long as I can remember I've had a job that requires me to juggle multiple balls. The number and the weight of the balls may be a little greater now. It's a skill. I guess you can learn it, but I think it's pretty intuitive. You can't always catch every single ball. So you gotta know which ones are not going to explode like a grenade but will just sort of fall quietly."

Бескорыстность и самоотверженная преданность работе: Rice moved into the U.S. ambassador's residence (awesome perk: the forty-second-floor penthouse at the Waldorf-Astoria) the day after she was confirmed. But because President Obama restored the U.N. ambassadorship to a White House Cabinet position (as it traditionally is in Democratic administrations), Rice also has an office at Hillary Clinton's State department and is a member of the National Security Council Principals Committee, which means that she essentially has three jobs in two different cities and is more often than not on her way to or from an airport. [...] She put down a real dance floor in her living room! That's how Susan is: "The work is over; come dance."

В общем, материал нужно читать целиком: и про корейский кризис, и про дарфурский геноцид... Одним словом, спортсменка, комсомолка, отличница, и просто красавица! (с)

*Далее в тексте объяняется причина такой метеоритной карьеры: г-жа Олбрайт была подружкой мамы, "дочки иммигрантов с Гаити", а папа был первым чернокожим пожарным в Беркли управляющим Федерального Резерва. Такое вот гениальное дитя бедных негритянских кварталов, пробившее себе путь к славе и известности личными талантами, усердием и кропотливой работой.
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