Fic - Expected Apology - Carson/Rodney - G/FRA

Dec 30, 2008 17:05

Title: Expected Apology
Pairing: pre-Carson/Rodney
Word Count: ~750
Rating: G/FRA
Summary: Rodney expects an apology from Carson. Takes places after the events of “Hide and Seek”.
Disclaimer: Not mine.
AN: For the mcbeckchallenge prompt talble ‘missing scenes’. My table can be found here.

Rodney expects an apology. He knows he doesn’t need one, but he expects it, especially after being deemed a hero. If it wasn’t for him, the city could have been swallowed whole by a black cloud of energy. He was the one who got it to leave through the Gate, risking his life to do so. If Atlantis could have parades, Rodney is sure one would be thrown in his honor. With lots of confetti and ‘Oh Canada’ playing in the background.

He knows his deserves the glory, and he’ll make sure to get it before the week is over, but for now he wants an apology. From Carson. And maybe Grodin, but Rodney could care less about Grodin. That is until he sees Grodin standing in medical with Carson, a charming smile on his face. Rodney scowls, and stomps in like a spoiled two-year-old.

“Grodin,” he mutters before turning his attention to Carson. “I’m here for my checkup.”

Carson furrows his brow, and stares at Rodney, who stares back. “Checkup?” he asks.

“I almost died two days ago. That warrants a checkup.”

Grodin snorts as Carson presses his lips together. He takes to staring at Rodney before letting out a small sigh. “Hop up,” he says, patting one of the exam tables.

Rodney does as he’s told, and gives Grodin a smug look in the process. The other scientist can take a flying leap off the nearest pier, and Rodney’s about to tell him that when Grodin excuses himself, and walks out. With smirk, Rodney turns his attention back to Carson. “You’re kind of a snob, Carson,” he says.

Carson picks up the blood pressure cuff, and gives Rodney a look of confusion. “Pardon?” he asks as he pushes the sleeve of Rodney’s shirt up and wraps the cuff around his upper arm.

“Whenever you’re around Gordin, you’re a snob. Especially to me,” Rodney says. He pauses, and watches Carson pump the blood pressure cuff. The cuff becomes tighter around Rodney’s arm, while Carson just stares at him, his lips set in a straight line. “Hey! Ow! That hurts!”

“Sorry,” Carson says. He lets some air out, and looks at Rodney again. “And, I’m not a snob.”

“You are.”

“I bloody well am not!”

Silence fills the room, and they stare at each other before Rodney huffs, and attempts to cross his arms. The cuff prevents it, which seems to make him even grumpier. “You made fun of me with him,” he finally says.

Carson slowly cocks an eyebrow. “We were just teasing, Rodney.” He lets the rest of the air out of the cuff, and takes it off.

“Teasing? I could have died, you know!” Rodney exclaims as his hands flutter around in front of him.

Carson sucks in a deep breath, and slowly lets it out, acting as if he’s mentally counting to ten. “We were just having fun,” he points out.

“At my expense,” Rodney adds. He crosses his arms over his chest, and sets his jaw. “Just because I’m smart doesn’t mean my feelings can’t be hurt. How would you like it if I started teasing you?”

“And what would you tease me about?”

“There is the fact medicine doesn’t really make you a doctor.”

Carson softly snorts and crosses his arms. “You tell me I’m not a real doctor everyday, Rodney,” he says. “But, if it makes you feel better, I’m sorry for teasing you.”

Rodney grins. “Thank you!” he happily says. He knows he could say more but decides he’ll take the apology as is. With his hands clasped on his lap, he tilts his head a little. “Are you Grodin and you dating?”

“No,” Carson laughs. “He’s not my type.” He picks up his tablet, and tucks it under his arm. “You’re perfectly healthy, Rodney.”

“Good,” he says as he jumps off the exam table. “If Grodin’s not your type, than what is?”

Carson slowly starts to back toward the door of medical, and gives Rodney a smile. “Uptight Canadian scientists, who come into the infirmary on a daily basis because of splinters and leg cramps,” he says. He stops when he gets to the door and waves. “Bye, Rodney.”

Waving back, Rodney watches Carson leave. He pulls down the sleeve of his shirt and shakes his head. “Carson must be losing his mind. There are no uptight Canadian scientists in the city,” he mutters as he goes back to his office, and goes back to saving the city once again.

prompt table: mcbeckchallenge, fandom: stargate atlantis, pairing: carson/rodney

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