It's been a long time....

Jun 26, 2010 20:41's been ages since I wrote on here. Things have improved, I've gotten a lot of the bills paid off, still a few left to come, but I'm taking care of stuff as I go. Nobody can say that I'm not tryin ( Read more... )

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Comments 1

jessm78 June 27 2010, 16:29:20 UTC
(((((Jen))))) I'm so glad that things are going relatively well for you, and you're just trying to take things as they come. I'm sorry about your dad being that way. I understand what you mean. As a Christian I've been taught to forgive and forget, turn the other cheek, etc. But it can be really hard sometimes, right?

Ugh, I can't stand nosy people who feel like they have to constantly butt into your business!

You're a sweet girl and I'm so thankful to have you for a friend. *HUGS*


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