So there’s a discussion going on about language. Ironically someone has managed to get right up my nose by twisting what I have said and putting their own slant on it to serve their own purposes. They combine this with interpreting things that I don’t say as some sort of form of ignorance. However that is not what this blog is about, That’s just an
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Comments 5
You make some very interesting points too. Personally I have a real aversion to txt spk unless it is anywhere but a text message, and even then I struggle. I dont mind things like "ur" instead of your but hate things like l8r... but you are right, I suppose it is a form of evolving language. Hmmmmm more to ponder!
The thing that annoys me most, and this is going slightly off topic is when I get texts from my own daughters that sound like they are 'boyz from da hood" - along the lines of "a got da stuf ya wntd an i gunna get me sum of da...." AARGGHHHH!!!
You will have noticed I use minimal txt speak in my txt msgs - LOL, but most of my friends will not only spell almost everything correctly in a text message, but its all beautifully punctuated as well. Different generations showing different levels of influence, I think.
ps - my most loathed abbreiations are cum instead of come (for obvious reasons, I think) m8 for mate, and da for the - I mean WHY ???? But I quite like 2mrw because its just so much quicker :)
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