Six Sentence Sunday #4

Jul 09, 2011 23:32

Greetings, Kittens!

Thank you all for coming back again, I can't tell you how much I appreciate it. I've been asked for another glimpse of DAWN'S EARLY LIGHT, so in honor of it being a bright, shiny new release, I'll oblige. This is a scene between Kincaid, (Marshal Ides from GHOST OF CHRISTMAS PAST) and Ajay, (Agent McDaniels, Riley's Partner while Torrin was in the coma).


 Kincaid seemed to hesitate and then he shook himself. “Right now the only activity you need to do is back your pretty little ass up and try on the shirt; and don’t go accidentally dropping that towel trying to entice somebody.”

“Yes, sir,” Ajay backed up. “No accidents involved.” He took off the towel and draped it over his shoulder. “Now that’s out of the way, do I get the same points for looking back over my shoulder that I do for looking up?”

Other Six Sentence Sunday Participants

dawn's early light, six sentence sunday

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