Title: Death Is In Love With Us (2/4)
Pairing: Matt/Everyone.
Rating: NC-17.
Summary: Four stories of Death for the 31st.
Genre: AU. Deadly.
xmegalomaniac for being absolutely freaking kickass and being my Matt/Brian inspiration.
talia_mole for being my gigglesnort buddy.
xxlock_n_loadxx for leaving me the best comment ever. Everyone who comments for making my ego explode.
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Comments 20
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Hi Caaath, I love you more. I'm glad that was okay because I've never taken drugs and had to research for at least five minutes =( I love how you notice all the little random things I add from the top of my head, like the capital S. But I still love you mosttt.
I'm way into this story and cannot possibly wait for you to post the next part. DO IT NOW! Ha, no, I'm kidding, take your time.
You are without a doubt the best writer I have ever seen on any of these sites, no joke. Your writing is interesting and somewhat dark but still understandable. I love it!
The second to last line was so powerful, you have no idea.
Then, at last, a final brush of cold lips to cold lips and he stood, seemingly satisfied as he walked away.
Thank you so, SO much for posting. You are incredible.
I am writing it right now! Hehehe! I love this bitch. Usually I just take ideas from things and switch them around, but this one is my baby. I'm considering killing off MCR next O_O
Thank you so much for your comments. They keep me going.
You own my soul now, you do realize?
Just read all the parts thus far in a row.
Amazingly written and such an interesting idea!
MCR, HIM and A7X are my three favourite bands. I can't even order them. They're interchangeable! In fact, for this story I was gonna have either Ville or Gee as death, but then I decided Matt would be teh sex. Because I struggle with anything outside Brian/Matt, Matt/Zacky, so if Matt was in all of them I could write it better, because he is me bitch, innit xD
Thank you so much, honey!
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