Iambic Pentameter and Other Methods of Elizabethan Torture
Disclaimer: The Winchester boys aren't mine, but I'd make Dean wear his boots all the time if they were.
Word Count: 6,690
Overall Pairings: Sam/OFC (HET)
Rating: PG-13 (Language, Horny Teenagers, Sweet Sam Angst )
Spoilers: None.
Miscellaneous: Written for the It Must Be Bunnies
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Comments 54
Really, just wonderful. *hugs you*
Thank you. I've been having fun writing my "Poughkeepsie" arc. I really only intended on writing a follow-up ten years later but the prompt over on spn_het_love just screamed to be written with the whole Shakespeare motif in the first story.
Plus writing Sammy as a cranky teenager? Best way to let your inner bitch out... ;-P
I've written a small handful of preseries stories so I am so thrilled that the tone worked for you and that the relationships between Dean and Sam rang true. I tried to extrapolate how that would have acted then based on how they act now, and sometimes I worried that I amplified it too much.
I love the way you write Dean.
Thank you so much for saying that. If you read the master fic list, it's rather obvious that I'm a Dean!Girl. He's difficult to write even from his own POV, so I'm thrilled I managed to capture him from Sam's; I really tried to focus on his body language, since he's so physical and Sam knows him so well he'd pick up on it.
Dean in tights? *guh*
*falls over*
Try as I might, I end up putting a wee bit too much of a focus on Dean. I guess it's the Dean!Girl in me...but that last image really reminded me of what Dean does; he's got so many layers that only recently on the show have we seen just how deep he really goes. I think Sam, even at fifteen, would pick up on that.
Well, that's my story and I'm sticking to it. ;-P
So full of insight into both Dean and Sam, though Dean's is mostly through his dialogue. You're amazing at showing his character in that way, and you do it with him so much more than you do with Sam, you realize.
Thank you so much for saying this! I worry that my enthusiastic inner Dean girl lets Sam get overshadowed, so I really tried to show a view of Dean that was true to the show but from Sam's POV. Dean's a hard one to write, perhaps because he's got so many levels and we're only beginning to see them...
I confess that the sonnets hurt my brain
Mine, too. Hence the title. ;-P
I know you struggled with this one but it turned out beautifully. ,
*hugs you*
I was *really* worried that the meds would impact how I wrote. So I'm glad that so many folks enjoyed this piece. I worried more about it that ASHTOR, believe it or not. (Not as much as the threesome, but that was because of the sex bits. I'm really very shy...)
And guh, having already read the rest of the fic and knowing what comes down the road, my ( ... )
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