
Aug 22, 2008 00:09

i was about to request for suzuken for kamui so i could be a happy fangirl.
then i remembered.. shit suzuken is okita.
damn it OTZ

i'm not sure about wanting mamo... he made me nearly kill him in tokyo relevations :(

i believed it was true the moment i saw the leaked documents. now i can fully participate in fansub drama :DDD ( Read more... )

uni here i come!, olympics, gintama, nagayama takashi, kengo-sama, ouran, uk, hong kong, code geass, chapter review, usa sucks :(, suzumura kenichi, politics, miyano mamoru, computer, fandomsecrets, fullmetal alchemist, xxxholic, burimyu

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Comments 3

cerulean88 August 21 2008, 16:48:59 UTC

o i read about the whole leaked thing 2 weeks ago but dismissed it when BONES announced the false info =/

you're leaving next month anyways, i'm sure it won't take that long to get your burimyu =/

i couldn't stand the 1st few pages of Gintama. Tried twice, failed twice.


x_reggg August 24 2008, 05:23:07 UTC
what do you mean tag abuse D: they are all relevent! T____T

i thought they'd do it anyways, because if the fans were all "YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" when they initially leaked it, they'd know that people actually want a new season and will go ahead and make it nevertheless :D

i hope so... 3 more weeks :x it takes like.. 1~2 weeks for it to get here, so it depends when the guy gets it :(

the art is okay after a while... but it's the dialogue that kills me XD


cerulean88 August 24 2008, 19:56:44 UTC
finefine. But it's still such an overdose =p

hmm i don't know. It really depends. If i were them i won't just base it on fan demands *shrugs* but i'd so welcome a new season of FMA anyways but DtB should be left where it is.

gotta inform me right away once he calls ar. I would love to get my hands on those fest goods if there happens to be any >___<

urrgh i cannot really stand the art much not to mention the dialogue.


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