Title: Secrets on the Inside
Fandom: Harry Potter
Characters: Marcus Flint/Oliver Wood
Prompt: #35- Mask
Word Count: 1,120
Rating: PG
Summary: A battle durning the war does not end as planned.
Author's Notes/Disclaimer: Not my boys, but I wish they were
Secrets on the Inside )
Comments 6
i think the one thing that made me think it was oliver's pov was the accent you presented in the "eh, you...etc" line. if you changed that, it would make it a bit more obvious and you might not have to add his name in there anywhere. you could also describe marcus' features, etc. in the beginning maybe, makeing in almost clear that its not oliver without saying his name. i totally understand the effect you want to provoke. i've tried it in many stories and i would hate for you to just throw your whole plan away by simply adding his name in there...play around with it a bit, there are many other ways to define a character without stating their name.
i do love your icon as well. :)
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