
Aug 01, 2007 00:45

TITLE: Life Goes On
AUTHOR: Jennie
CHARACTERS: Jason Arnott/Petr Sykora, Patrik Elias/Martin Havlat, Jay Pandolfo/Scott Gomez, and my Brian with a dash of Scotty Stevens. :)
SUMMARY: Technology makes everything more complicated.
DISCLAIMER: This is all fiction.
A/N: During Patrik's contract negotiations the summer before the '06-'07, it was ( Read more... )


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Comments 6

harleymae August 1 2007, 05:28:26 UTC
This was really funny! And of course I'm squeeful about the Arkora (hehe). This is actually a pretty hard format to pull off ,but you did, so good job! I was actually able to follow it more easily by just reading the text (ignoring the SNs) but I'm fairly familiar with all the characters.

I'm trying to think of a way to make it more apparent who's talking to who at any one point, but it's tricky because the sequence of messages has to be preserved. I wonder if assigning a colour to each pair of chatters and using that for the SNs would work.


x_jerseygirl August 1 2007, 19:14:37 UTC
Thanks a lot! :) That was actually what I was most worried about: the format. I was thinking about doing that, but then I was worried about people getting confused with the flow of the messages into one another. I'm trying to write another one like it, so I'm going to play around with format and see where it takes me. :)


ovielove August 3 2007, 03:02:19 UTC
Ooh, I loved that!! It took me a minute to figure it out, not because of the way you wrote it but because...yeah. My brain is slow. I was like - huh? Oh. They're chatting :P Such a loser.

ANYWAYS. Enough babbling from me, but I really liked it and oh my god when he messaged Marty instead of Gio (Gionta, right? I'm still learning) I thought I was going to die. Hilarious, sweet, loved it.


x_jerseygirl August 3 2007, 03:36:02 UTC
*grins* Thanks! I'm working on how to structure it so that it's more easily read by the average reader who's not a huge Devils fan or knows the inner workings of my brain. Do you have any ideas on how to do this?


ovielove August 3 2007, 04:00:26 UTC
I agree with harleymae, colors might work - or if you started it with some kind of key, you know, PatE = Elias (although that one was pretty obvious). Spacing might also help, although I'm not sure how - let me brainstorm and I'll get back to you ;)


x_jerseygirl August 3 2007, 19:09:29 UTC
I was thinking of spacing out each message, but then..I don't know. I think it'd be way too much and end up getting confusing. I'm thinking colors, too, though. Thanks for the help!


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