
Apr 23, 2007 17:55

*sounds trumpets* In honour of Ryan Hollweg's birthday, I come bearing FIC! This has been in the works since October 22nd, and I'm just now finishing it. That's the epitome of 'lack of ficspiration.' :P Anyways, enjoy this fic, 'cause I never write this kind of fic. :)

TITLE: Predator Vs. Prey
AUTHOR: Jennie
CHARACTERS: Cam Janssen of the New ( Read more... )


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Comments 5

bkm5191 April 23 2007, 23:23:54 UTC
I enjoyed this! I like the two of them together, do you have a link for the other fic about them? I had it but then there was the inevitable HD melt down and I lost it.


x_jerseygirl April 24 2007, 00:03:26 UTC
I'm not sure which one you're talking about..I know _like_a_chemical wrote one with them, but I don't know where to find it. :-/ Have you looked on 2mins tags?


_likeachemical_ April 24 2007, 00:09:01 UTC
Oh.... This was BRUTALLY hot... I loved it. And holy fuck the descriptions of their bodies... fjakldjal. So worth the wait XD.

But hey, you got my name wrong!


x_jerseygirl April 24 2007, 00:14:46 UTC
AH! *runs off to change*

*grins* Thanks!! :D I always thought I wrote crappy smut. I guess I can do it when I'm horny enough. ;)


_likeachemical_ April 24 2007, 00:23:47 UTC
It turned me on! < /total TMI>


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