Title: Leap of faith (1/2) Pairing: Yongguk/Zelo Rating: PG Warnings: None Word count: 1.2k Summary: At his sister's wedding, Yongguk finally gets the courage to ask someone out.
I liked this a lot!!!!! Is so sad, but at the end I can see a bit of hope for the poor YongGuk!!!!! I'd like to see a second part with more BangLo interaction and maybe this time..... finally happy end for Gukkie and Jello ^^
Thanks a lot! I'm thinking about writing another part, but I'm not sure yet.. the point of the sudden ending was to imagine what came next yourself, haha. ;)
I really liked this! Your English is flawless as far as I can tell, and the story was so immersive! I got really involved and I was really rooting for Yongguk to get his shit together and just go for it. This was really good. I hope to see more from you!
Aw you're sweet! I think I like writing, so you'll see more from me, although I can't promise it'll be soon haha. I tend to be slow with things. Thank you so much for reading, I'm glad you liked it :D
Comments 12
And would actually like to know what happened next :D
Maybe I'll write another part later, I just wrote this because I was frustrated haha :p
Thank you!
Idk maybe because it's realistic and romantic in a way
Haha I don't know but it's pretty sweet in my opinion <3
I'm happy that you enjoyed it :)
I'm thinking about writing another part, but I'm not sure yet.. the point of the sudden ending was to imagine what came next yourself, haha. ;)
I think I like writing, so you'll see more from me, although I can't promise it'll be soon haha. I tend to be slow with things.
Thank you so much for reading, I'm glad you liked it :D
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