Title: Thirty Dirty Dates [ Certain as the Sun ] Pairing: Xaldin/Xigbar Written For: iwantasoda (lawl finally) and 30_dates prompt- 9. Dance Type: fluff :3 Rating: PG
Yeah. Actually, this is pretty late in the story, timewise - earlier on, they actually call each other Dilan and Braig all the time when they're alone. But the longer they were Nobodies, the more then just called each other Xaldin and Xigbar... but when they use their old names, it like... jogs the memory of a time when they could feel love...
*will go into more depth on the subject in other drabbles*
I'm working on gay piratey goodness right now... stupid file has been sitting open on my computer for like, days, and I've barely gotten a sentence done in the past few days... >w<; I'm determined to finish it today!!
Comments 9
I have no words right now
Aw, Xigbar called him Dilan
I can't put together a coherent sentence at the moment
I need a Xaldin/Xigbar icon dammit
Yeah. Actually, this is pretty late in the story, timewise - earlier on, they actually call each other Dilan and Braig all the time when they're alone. But the longer they were Nobodies, the more then just called each other Xaldin and Xigbar... but when they use their old names, it like... jogs the memory of a time when they could feel love...
*will go into more depth on the subject in other drabbles*
Aww the whole name thing is so cute! (but I'll never confess in front of those two because I would be shot/skewered on the spot)
-holds out empty bowl- Please Sir, may I have some more?
I'm working on gay piratey goodness right now... stupid file has been sitting open on my computer for like, days, and I've barely gotten a sentence done in the past few days... >w<; I'm determined to finish it today!!
I love Belle, but for some reason, Xaldin and Xigbar calmly plotting her bloody demise is just plain adorable XD;
The image of those two waltzing is great too.
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