Five Starz~five performers~ English translation

Nov 05, 2010 17:26


Five Starz~五枚目俳優~
lyrics: SuG music: yuji

まずは 俺のターン テクニカル なFLOW
マイク片手にジャジャジャジャ~ン えいよ~ SとuとGがmy homie媚びなら売るぜ 掴むBIGmoney

masatoの登場 心は少年 体は青年 いつもはギターでヘヴィなリフをかき鳴らす
ラップは一番似合わない? No! 今日から決断!「MCまーたん」王子系HIPHOPPER!!!!!

曝け出した 本能のままに 甘美な今宵は 不埒に口吸い
平静装う 野暮な常識に さよなら告げたら 夏に酔いしれる

瞬間Fall in Loveで あっちっち 密会ならスウィート指定
見切り発車 飛び出せ 2枚?3枚? イヤ 五枚目俳優
So many情事 あっぷっぷ once more禁句 デートして
義理義理なしの 大勝負 2回?3回? イヤ 朝までBomm Bomm
エキストラと呼ばないで! イザ 見参 Five Starz☆
トップスターに成り上がれ! イザ 見参 Five Starz☆ we can do it!!!

(you ready? oh yeah! you ready? oh yeah! Make some noise be Crazy!)

デカイステージ夢見て上京 ☆憧れはロックスター☆
鳴らすクラクション OneTimeハイエースaction

グルーヴィーなビート刻んでいえい テンポよく脳天気にテンションアップ
スピードアップ! プロテイン飲んでBUILD UP そして目指せいつかlikeボブサップ

曝け出した 本能のままに 甘美な今宵は 不埒に口吸い
平静装う 野暮な常識に さよなら告げたら 夏に酔いしれる

瞬間Fall in Loveで あっちっち 密会ならスウィート指定
見切り発車 飛び出せ 2枚?3枚? イヤ 五枚目俳優
So many情事 あっぷっぷ once more禁句 デートして
義理義理なしの 大勝負 2回?3回? イヤ 朝までBomm Bomm
エキストラと呼ばないで! イザ 見参 Five Starz☆
トップスターに成り上がれ! イザ 見参 Five Starz☆ we can do it!!!

(you ready? oh yeah! you ready? oh yeah! Make some noise be Crazy!)

Five Starz~five performers~

(yuji:) First it's my turn A technical FLOW
Mic in one hand jajajajjaan Sharp* huh~ S to the u to the G my homie If you flirt a bit it'll sell Catch the BIGmoney

(masato:) masato's entrance My heart's of a boy's my body that of a young man I always strum the heavy sounds on my guitar
Rap doesn't quite suit me? No! Today I'll decide this! "MC Maatan" is a prince-style HIPHOPPER!!!!!

I've confessed like an instinct This sweet night breath it in your mouth in insolence

Feign calmness and in unrefined common sense if you say goodbye I'll get drunk on summer

In instant Fall in Love making out** If it's a clandestine meeting it's a sweet designation
Snap decisions I'll throw in some 2? Maybe 3? Nope 5 performers
So many love affairs appuppu*** once more a taboo word Let's date
No sense of duty or honor Grand victory or defeat 2? Maybe 3?**** Nope Bomm Bomm in my head
Don't call me an extra! Now meet the Five Starz☆
Suddenly becoming a top star! Now meet the Five Starz☆ we can do it!!!

(you ready? oh yeah! you ready? oh yeah! Make some noise be Crazy!)

(Chiyu:) I'm responsible of Kansai, yuji of random
Dreaming of the grand stages I've come to Tokyo ☆ I yearn to be a rock star☆
Chime the car horn OneTime High ace action

(shinpei:) Chopping out a groovy beat Optimistically rising the tempo a tension up
Speed up! Drinking protein BUILD UP my goal's to become like Bob Sapp*****

I've confessed like an instinct This sweet night breath it in your mouth in insolence

Feign calmness and in unrefined common sense if you say goodbye I'll get drunk on summer

In instant Fall in Love making out** If it's a clandestine meeting it's a sweet designation
Snap decisions I'll throw in some 2? Maybe 3? Nope 5 performers
So many love affairs appuppu*** once more a taboo word Let's date
No sense of duty or honor Grand victory or defeat 2? Maybe 3?**** Nope Bomm Bomm in my head
Don't call me an extra! Now meet the Five Starz☆
Suddenly becoming a top star! Now meet the Five Starz☆ we can do it!!!

(you ready? oh yeah! you ready? oh yeah! Make some noise be Crazy!)

*written as えいよ, it could mean various things, but after giving it some thought I picked 「えい」「よ」 as separate parts. "ei" has multiple meanings out of which one is "sharp (of music etc)".
**after a long and tiresome adventure to the secrets of language I came to find out あっちっち means some rather lewd things.
***on the same excavation to linguistics I found that あっぷっぷ is possibly a game of niramekko (a game where one tries to make the other laugh, and the looser is the one who laughs.)
****It's a play with the counter words used in Japanese. In the first one he uses the counter for flat objects, such as sheets of paper, while this one is for times of occurrences.
*****A kickboxer/martial artist/etc.

sug: koakuma sparkling

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