Title: Blood Ties
Anime: Final Fantasy VII crossed with Vampire: The Masquerade
Setting: AU, set in the world of Vampire: The Masquerade, complete with Camarilla and all it's clans
Pairings: Zack x Sephiroth, Sephiroth x Zack
Rating: 18+
Warnings: This one is violent, technically bloodplay, torture and extreme themes in some chapters
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Comments 22
Keep writing :D.
I positively could not help myself when it came to Reno's last line. It is so Reno and damn it if we didn't need a little lift after all that darkness, a slight positive twist. And Genesis and Angeal always amuse me. I see them as lovers and yet Angeal almost has to act like a parent at times... it amuses me.
And thank you for the compliment. It was a hard world to immerse myself in when it was alien to me prior to this fic. I have at least a couple more parts of this to run, though I don't know the ending yet. We have our survivors to rehabilitate, power to change hands and all so i am seeing where this takes me.
And Reno's bit at the end was good too!!! ^-^
I like your Rufus. Power, yes, but not at any cost. And Reno is priceless.
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