Some info on unknown artes and otherskievenMay 28 2010, 02:01:05 UTC
Demon Fist is the same as Demon Fang, the first arte in the whole Tales series. Rending quake is the same as rending thrust, just that instead of an uppercut that blasts enemies upward, yellow energy comes out of the ground and hits the enemy a few times. Devil's Inferno is a horizontal hit with the hand(kinda like a slap)which is on fire, then Asch slams his sword on the ground and fire comes spiraling upwards. Devil's Maw is the Earth version of this,just that the rocks that shoot upward do not spiral. Shadow Fury seems like the dark version of Swallow Fury to me.Rending Saber-Asch points his sword upwards, hitting the enemy with a tower of light a few times. He then thrusts his sword down ward, Creating a large Fonic Circle beneath him. The circle then releases a tower of light bigger than the first one.Oh BTW, Asch hits harder and moves slower than Luke because he uses heavier bastard/hand-and-a-half swords while Luke uses the lighter Single handed swords.
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