Title: This is Home
Fandom: Harry Potter Book Series
Characters: Severus Snape
Prompt: 001; Beginnings
Word Count: 100 Words [accidental drabble ftw!]
Rating: G
Summary: Severus gets sorted.
Author's Notes: Just a bit of introspection by the one and only. [:
LDT: Located
He walked up to the stool in front of everyone in the room, slightly self-conscious, but was mostly worried about falling and hurting himself. He didn’t need to impress anyone; he didn’t need friends. The cloth felt warm and worn in on his head, like it were fitted perfectly for him and no one else. It was perfect and he knew that whatever happened, this would be right.
He ignored the clapping, cheering, and booing and walked away from the stool. He took a seat on the bench with his housemates.
This was home; this was perfect.