Rikku took a deep breath and stepped across the hall to Alec's doorway. And for the hundredth time, was grateful that Professor Skywalker had taken most of this off her shoulders. If she had to have this conversation with complete strangers, over and over again ...
"She went home for the rest of the summer, so she won't be around for a while," Alec said, shrugging. He smirked a bit. "Left me in charge of cheerleading, which is not something I'd ever expected, really."
"You're one of the co-captains, aren't you?" Rikku said. "Shouldn't be all that surprising. I didn't realize she left, I should've said bye or something. Hope Dawn's okay."
"I think they have some kind of alternate reality thing going on, but Buffy will be back for fall anyway," Alec explained, with a look like he would be rather annoyed if this was not the case. "I am one of the co-captains, but hell if I even knew what cheerleading was before Buffy dragged me into it."
"Yeah, she's ... kinda her sister but not, she said? I just meant, you know, I bet she misses her." Rikku shrugged, blushing a little. "I, uh, didn't know what everyone was doing at tryouts. It just looked like people jumping around and yelling and having a good time and I went, 'hey, I should do that.'"
"Yeah, don't get me wrong, I love it," Alec said, smiling ruefully. "I just have no clue why I'm co-captain, besides being awesome. It's not like I've got cheer expertise."
He nodded after a moment of musing. "I can't think of any better way to take advantage of political scheming. If someone's going to get screwed, at least I'll make sure they enjoy it, then."
Rikku shook her head, amused. "You're terrible, you know that? Although if you were really awful, you'd try to do depraved things with the squad while Buffy's away. Like call a naked practice or something."
She shivered and knocked quickly on the door.
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