Cheerboy 3

Feb 14, 2010 17:30

Title: Cheerboy
Author: Meh Bitchezz. x_tired_craxy_x
Summary: Pretty simple. Benji and Joel are cheerleader about to battle for the title of some competition. Bring it ON Bitches!
Notes: No, the boys aren't related. If you want a story where they are I suggest looking into my archive.
Disclaimer: Yeah, I made this shit up. Don't worry about it dudes.

CheerBoy-1l Cheerboy-2

“Go Peach Tree!” Screams the squad as we complete a perfect stunt. I hold Gina above my head. Her left leg locked straight, her right one held up in air by Tyra, both arms enthusiastically thrown into the air. She dismounts and I catch her setting her on the ground, the first of the group to let someone down but I don’t care. Today is just not my day.

Everyone else lets up without any complications. Of course that doesn’t stop Jessica’s captain persona from biting my head off.

“Benji!” she yells my name once her feet are steadily under her body. “Why did you let Gina down so early? That was held for what? 5 seconds. The judges would laugh at that,” she scolds me. I roll my eyes.
“Shut up Jess, I’m not in the mood…” I shrug turning around. Next thing I know, there’s a hand on my shoulder turning me around.

“Not that I actually like High School Musical or anything, but you need to get your fucking head the in game Madden! You’re nowhere near the weakest link on this team and stop trying to convince me otherwise.”

Jess is an awesome captain, she’s a good motivational speaker, she’s a good teacher, and she’s the best cheerleader. Unfortunately she’s also something like the biggest fucking bitch and I’m just not in the mood for it at the moment.

I’m pretty much disgusted in myself. Last night after Jessica fell asleep I snuck out of her room and back into mine. I ended up just sitting on my bed for at least an hour thinking over the events that had taken place. I had met this totally gorgeous guy, who was awesome in so many ways. I had sex with him and actually felt kind of connected to him as crazy as that sounds. Then I find out he has a girl friend. A fucking girl friend. I don’t see why it’s bothering me so much. Its not like you ever have to see the kid again and you don’t know his girl at all. Still it just hurts. A dull ache in the pit of my stomach. One big fucking regret.

“Benji, over there, right now.” Jess is pointing to some random spot off the mats. I roll my eyes and follow her.

“Are you really okay?” is the first thing she asks and the concern in her voice actually surprises me. I honestly wasn’t expecting that.

“I’m fine,” I lie. She folds her arms across her chest, leans most of her weight on one foot and gives me ‘the look.’ The one that says: “Stop lying to me faggot-ass, I wasn’t born yesterday,” without her uttering a word.

“Look,” she shakes her head knowing that sometimes you have to be a captain before you’re a friend. “If you’re not in it right now then leave. I’m not mad at you; you’re just holding the team back. But don’t think I’m done with you. You’re meeting me on that bench by the big fucking tree thing near the entrance of the rooms at six o’clock sharp. Got it mister?”

For a cheerleader, she’s fucking intimidating as hell. “Thanks Jess…” I half smile at her and she smiles back, placing a delicate hand on my shoulder and patting it.

“Feel better. Lie-vin’ up, why don’t you?”

I laugh and she takes it for what it is pushing me away from the team practice. “Six!” she screams after me.

“I got it!” I yell back.

The trek back to my room is boring an uneventful. I keep my head down and scold myself for being so careless. I feel bad for leaving the team back there, but like Jessica said, I’m not helping them at all. It’s not like I even like cheerleading anyways. I really don’t.

Oh shut up, Benji. You love being the boy all the peppy girls want.

Wow, dumb thought. I would try to move on to another thought, but the only other thing I can think to think of is having sex with Joel… and then Jessica… and what a fucking mistake that was. Honestly, I must be the most retarded person on the face of the planet. Tell me, why do I insist on thinking with my penis?

Because you’re a boy, Benji. You’re a stupid, ignorant, cock-sucking, penis-thinking boy.

I sigh, opening the door to my room, and then shut it behind myself. I stick the keycard on this random ass table that’s in your way as soon as you walk in. God forbid me or Tony decide to get drunk, that table is going down.

I strip down, lazily pulling off my shirt and pants, then my socks until I’m just in my boxers. I place my dirty clothes in a pile next to my luggage. I stand up and look around. I could take a much needed nap- and let me tell you the bed is fucking comfortable. But as I think about it… that can wait.

I pull down my boxers and kick them near my other dirty clothes. I figure it’s about time for a very much needed shower. Towels are on a rack next to the shower itself, opposite the sink and mirrors. Everything looks clean if not pristine. My eyes almost pop out of my head. This place is kind of nice.

For a cheerleading camp.

I reach above my head to momentarily stretch out my limbs before I walk over to the shower and start fucking with the knobs. I figure out how the damn thing turns on and give it a moment for the warm water to heat up. I hate stepping into a shower while the water is cold. My skin gets all prickly and I shiver. Not cool.

So I do the usual shower stuff and try not to think about anything. Like that ever works. I try to concentrate on letting the water spray over my body, but then I think about how hot Joel was. Regardless of the fact that he has a girl friend, his dick was probably one of the hottest, most well-maintained penis’ that’s ever entered my mouth. Not that I’ve sucked gross penises before. Oh, hell no. His was just that amazing. And those slender hips under my palms… the bruises that I might of left there. The idea that while he’s screwing his girl he might possibly be thinking about me. Because I’m thinking about him.

God damn it.

Once my hand closes around my aching erection I know there’s no turning back. I close my eyes and feel the water rushing over my skin while I pull my hand away towards the tip and then bring it back down to the base. Except in my mind, it’s Joel that’s in the shower and his hand is stroking my cock. His naked body is once again squeezed between the hold of my fingers while he expertly maneuvers his hand just the way I like it. It’s pathetic I know, but it gets the job done and before I know it my come is washing away beneath the spray along with an embarrassingly high pitched moan on my part. I hate jacking off.

So regretting the shower idea I climb out and dry off with the towel. I frown at my naked reflection. Don’t get me wrong, I think I’m hot shit. My body is tight and I know it. I’m just not ‘feelin’’ it in general today and it sucks. I wrap the towel around my waist sighing as I grab a brush and run it through my hair. I then grab the hair product, some leave in condition or whatever and work that into my hair. Too lazy to do anything else and not really in the mood to care, I then proceed to that amazingly comfortable bed, leaving the towel on the floor and crawling in naked. Screw it if Tony sees my ass. Most guys to die to get a piece of it anyway.


At exactly six on the dot Jessica was at my door so by six-thirty we’re outside soaking in the heat of a Florida summer while sitting on a bench. Jessica is running her fingers through my hair urging me to go on while I explain to her why I’m so down in the dumps. I actually tell her the truth, explaining my predicament with Joel and how I fucked him in the bathroom before I knew he had a fucking girl friend.

“And then you screwed me?” she questions. I nod my head feeling her hand slip from my hair.
“Well that’s what you get for being a man-whore,” she shrugs crossing her arms over her chest like a real diva.
“Oh don’t go all wholesome cheerleader on me. Like you have any room to speak,” I argue, but her bitchiness cracks and she smiles laughingly while rubbing the back of her fingers on my cheek. I’m sitting on the bench like a normal human being while she sits so her legs bend over my lap, her torso at a 90 degree angle to my own.

“Babe, I’m in the same boat as you, but I was built to be used and abused,” she says. I frown.
“Don’t put yourself down like that you’re not-”
“Benji, don’t finish that sentence.”

I shut my mouth knowing that I honestly can’t say much to that. I take a moment to think before choosing my words carefully.

“I intentionally hurt you, but I’ve never pushed you to do something…” I say. She shrugs and smiles.
“I’m always going to have a thing for you, so I’ll take you whenever I can… don’t think that you’re hurting me. When I find the right guy, I’ll change my ways,” she says and it’s weird to hear her sound optimistic and serious at the same time. “You’re just not that guy.”

“Well sometimes I wish I was,” I tell her to be honest. “If I wasn’t so into cock, I date you in a hot second.”

She laughs, “Yeah right,” and lightly taps my shoulder.

“No really, think about it. You’re cute. You have a great body. You’re the head cheerleader of a kick ass squad. You have a good head on your shoulders and you’re incredibly amazing in bed. What’s not to fall in love with?” I list off. By the end of the list her cheeks have turned crimson and I do what comes naturally. I press my lips to hers and she kisses back. It’s a nice and friendly kiss that would be awkward with anybody else besides her. She pulls back and rests her head on my shoulder.

“I don’t know what I’d do without you on this squad of monsters,” I joke.
“I don’t know what I’d do without you period.”

I smile because she’s the greatest and probably one of my only true friends.

Please review for more and thanks bunches to everyone that still reads!!!

cheerboy, benj/joel, stories, fiction

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