bigbang pt. 2!

Jul 29, 2009 20:31

BigBang Part 2! I struggled with this, partially because I just had to go and fall into a couple new fandoms in the middle, and partially because... I have no idea. *shrugs* I spent too much time on this for it to look like it does, but oh well. Still, it was hardly a chore, and marishna was very understanding about my procrastinating tendencies. And also wrote a fantastic story that you should go read. =) As always, huge thanks goes out to everyone over at spn_j2_bigbang for creating such an awesome comm!

Icons and wallpapers are snaggable! Comments & credit are lovely, and feel free to edit, just let me know, because I'm nosey like that. =P

Title: Given and Taken in Ink

Pairing: Jared/Jensen
Rating: R
Words: 30,793, beta'd by smidirini, bobbinrob
Disclaimer: *insert witty line about not owning any of it, plz to not be suing*
Summary: Author Jared Padalecki has created a sheltered existence for himself, believing that he's happy half-living his safe life. He hides behind his pen name so few people know the real Jared, as he protects himself from others finding out his books aren't 100% fiction. His new neighbour, Jensen Ackles, knows there's something different about Jared and pushes until he has no choice but to let Jensen in. When Jared's carefully constructed life collapses around him will Jensen even care who Jared really is or will Jared's worries become reality?

Read it here!

alternate banner. i kinda liked the flash drive but it was also kind of just a random thing and I couldn't decide if it helped anything or not. lol

Wallpapers! Click for the full 1280x800





I kind of fell in love with that quote, if you hadn't noticed. =)

So did you read it yet? =P

jensen ackles, quotes, wallpapers, icons, jared padalecki

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