Welcome to X2009 in 2009!

Aug 02, 2009 18:12

x2009 is open!

We're excited to get this year's fic challenge off to a start! It will be run in a very similar manner to last year, with one change.

After discussion, the mods have decided to do away with the user name codes and the guessing round, since those weren't really that popular. Instead, the fics will be posted anonymously (one per day) with a grand reveal three days after the final fic has been posted. We are asking for writers to maintain the secrecy of what they produce, since that's part of the fun.

Anyway, onto the details!


X/2009 is a blind challenge. That means that, when your fic is first posted, there will be no author attribution at all. All the authors' names will be revealed after the last fic is posted by the moderators. This lends an air of mystery to the process--can you guess who wrote that specific fic? Is it someone you know, someone you don't, someone you'll want to friend once you find out? The blind challenge might also encourage some people to try something new or different; perhaps that Seals author wants to write about the Angels instead, or someone known for being wedded to the canon might try her hand at an AU, or someone known for deadly serious fic may laugh it up a little.

The theme for 2009 is The Time Is Now. What does that mean? Pretty much anything you think fits.

The Rules

1) Submissions must be English-language fic of at least 500 words, to no maximum. Acceptable fandoms are Tokyo Babylon, X/1999, and X-compliant CLAMP Campus Detectives. Writers may focus their stories on any characters and any pairings as long as they are drawn from these canons. Fics may be of any rating, from gen to direly explicit, though you are expected to warn of said explicit material in the heading preceding the fic. Use discretion.

2) Alternate Universe, Alternate Timeline, and Alternate Event stories are permitted. Crossovers are not.

3) The fic should in some way hearken to the idea of "the time is now." Application of the prompt may be be as overt or as subtle as the author likes.

4) Upon electing to participate in the challenge, the author should sign up at the appropriate post. (If you do not have an LJ account, please at least provide an e-mail address so that the mods can contact you.) Once you have signed up for the challenge, that's the agreement that you will participate--by writing a fic, and sending it to the mods before the deadline. The mods will then put your fic in the posting queue. After the reveal you may--are encouraged!--to post the fic to your personal LJ or website.

5) Submissions should be formatted as follows:

Title: Title of the Fic
User ID: Your LJ handle. If you are not using one, provide contact information or a link to your website. This will be hidden by the mods until the reveal.
Rating: Use any system-- G to NC-17, or K to M, whatever best describes.
Characters/Pairing: Delineate relationships at your discretion.
Warnings: Please warn for explicit sexual content, excesses of violence, issues of consent, and any other graphic or potentially offensive issues addressed, also at your discretion. If you have concerns, please ask the mods.
Summary: A teaser or hook for the fic.

Post the fic in its entirety behind an lj-cut.

6) You may submit up to three (3) fics.

The Schedule

2009.08.03 - Signups begin!

2009.08.31 - Signups close! Start writing!

Throughout the two months the community is open for discussion--progress reports, fic-snippets, calls for beta-readers and shared experiences.

2009.10.14 - Submissions due, and posting begins! Fics will be posted one-per-day until all of them are up. Then, three days after the final fic posting, the mods will reveal the authors of each fic, and index a master list as well.

Again, thank you all so much for getting involved! We're available to answer your questions and start you on your way.


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