You're My Maid! Chapter 7

May 30, 2010 00:36

Title: You’re My Maid!
Length: chaptered [1-?]
Author: x_xshinx_x
Fandom: newS and KAT-TUN
Rating: PG-13- cause of bad language, and a little violence…I think… mostly PG
Paring: Jin-Kazuya [AkaMe], Junno-Ueda [JunDa], Koki-Maru [TaNaka] come later, and Yamapi-Ryo [RyoPi] {A little of Jin-Yamapi [AkaPi], Kazuya-Koki [KaKi]}
Genre: yaoi [boysxboys]
Warning: OOC, Jin is YOUNGER than Kazuya in this fic… Thank you!
Flame: um… no thanks…
Summary: What will happen, when a servant fall for his master? Will they accept this love? Will the master accept the love?
**Author Note**- Before i leave, i would like to update!! ENJOY!! >.< SORRY! for my late update! Hope you like it! Comment are always loved!

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6


*Chapter 7*

Junno sat by the bedside of the conscious boy, wiping the sweats from the younger boy’s body, “Who could do such a thing to you?” he asked quietly, noticing the bruises on Jin’s stomach, “You have not fully recovered yet and now you’re even getting a cold.” he whispered, feeling sorry for Jin as he continued wiping the boy’s body.


Jin slowly opens his eyes, adjusting to his surroundings. Realizing where he was, Jin sat up, only for the movement to cause him a headache. Once more, Jin closed his eye, hoping that the aching would disappear. At last, the pain decreases causing Jin to reopen his eyes, he quickly notice that Junno was asleep, half of his upper body rested by the side of his bed.

Jin stared at him, “Did you take care of me this whole night?” he asked, staring at the older boy.

He slowly shook the older one, causing him to wake up, “Oh, Jin you are awake.” the tired one said.

Jin smile, “Yeah.”

“Are you feeling better now?”

“I think so.”

“That’s good then,” he smiled back at the younger one, bringing his hand to feel Jin’s forehead, Junno quickly brought his hand back, “Are you sure? Your head is burning.”

Jin shook his head, “It‘s okay, I’m fine!” he paused, “I’m sure after a shower, I should be back to normal,” he said as he got out of bed.

“Okay…” Junno whispered, a bit worry, but as the younger boy entered the bathroom, Junno decided to leave the room, “I’ll ask him when we clean up the floor” Junno murmured as he exited the room.

After coming out of the bathroom, the boy noticed that his headache was not gone yet, but Jin try to shake it off and change into his uniform since it was already time for school.

When Jin entered the kitchen, Junno looked up, “Oh you are finish already?” he asked.

Jin nodded his head.

“Are you sure you’re okay now?” he asked staring at the boy.

“Yeah I’m sure.” Jin replied.

Junno frowned and grabbed some medicine, “Here take these.” he said, handing them over.

“Oh no, I’m fine.” he repeated.

“Then… take it with you.” Junno said walking over to Jin, and placing it on his hand.

Jin sighed, “Okay, thank you,” he smiled, “I’ll be going now.”

“Have a safe trip!” Junno yelled out.

Just when Jin was about to step out of the kitchen door, he remember something and looked back, “Junno?” he added.


“… I forgot to wake up Master Kazuya, can you wake him up for me?” he asked, staring with pleading eyes at the older boy.

Junno smile and nodded, “BUT, only this time okay.”

This caused the younger boy to brighten up, “Thank you.” he called out before he left.


Kazuya walked down the stairs with a smile on his face, his plan worked perfectly yesterday.

“Oh, you’re already awake?” Junno asked when he notices his master coming down.

Kazuya smile, “Morning Junno!”

Junno’s eyes widen, “Uh, good morning,”

“Get Koki, I’m gonna go now” Kazuya said, still smiling brightly at Junno.

Junno stared back rather surprise before snapping out of thought, “Hai,” Junno quickly said. That was when he remembered something and turned back to Kazuya, “Oh, Master, today you have to come home early, head maid is coming home.” Junno added.

“Been a long time since I saw that dude.” he murmured, with that Junno ran off to get Koki.

“Koki, Koki” Junno called out when he saw the boy.

“Yeah? Master’s awake?”

“Master Kazuya is ready to get going now!” he reply.

“Okay, I’ll be going then,” he said as he stood up, getting ready to leave.

“No, WAIT!” Junno stopped the boy, “Something is wrong with him.”


“He’s super happy today.”

Koki only stare at the taller boy for a mere second before walking away.

“NO! I am not lying he is!” Junno yelled as he watched the boy disappear.



“Morning Koki” Kazuya interrupted, as he open the door, and entered the car.

Koki stood there, staring at him, “Are we going or not?” Kazuya asked, noticing that the other haven’t even move.

“HAI!” Koki yelled snapping out of thoughts, as soon as he closes the door, he quickly shook his head, “Something most be wrong” he murmured entering the driver seat.

On their way to school, Koki continued to look up at the reflection mirror that reflected his master, “Um… Master Kazuya?” Koki manage to say.

“Yeah?” Kazuya said looking up at Koki.

“Is everything okay?”

“Yes, everything is okay, why?”

“Nothing, just you seem very happy this morning.”

Kazuya laughed, “It’s nothing, just that I feel happy today.”

Koki nodded and smile, “That’s good to hear, I rather have this Kazuya then the mean one.” he laughed. Kazuya’s smile dropped as he glares at the older one, grabbing a piece a paper; crumbling it before throwing it at his driver’s head.

Koki quickly stop laughing and looked up at the reflection mirror, “Sorry.”


In the classroom fill with students, Jin sat, weary by his surroundings.

“Hey!” someone yelled causing Jin to look back, Yamapi stood before the other, smiling.

“Morning,” he greeted.

His friend quickly notices the look on his face, “JIN! What’s wrong? You look so pale today.”

Jin frowned, not understanding why everybody was so worry, first Junno and now Yamapi. He shook his head, “Nothing’s wrong, I’m perfectly fine.” he answered.

“Are you sure? If you are sick, you should go home.”

Jin laughed, “Oh no, I’m fine! Nothing’s wrong.”

That was when the two notices that the room had became rather quiet, and slowly they found themselves staring at the same direction that everybody else was staring at. There by the doorway, stood the devil: Kazuya.

Kazuya smiled, seeing that he got the two’s attention, he walked toward them, “Morning Pi” he greeted as he sat down on his seat but his gaze were on Jin.

Yamapi nodded, “Morning” he greeted, turning back to Jin, he leaned in, “Jin, let’s talk later.”

Jin nodded, seeing that, Yamapi walked to his seat.

Kazuya watch the other go before staring at Jin once more, “So what time did you arrive?” he asked.

“A while ago.” Jin replied, returning the gaze.

Kazuya only smiled back at him, causing Jin to become confused.

“Are you okay?” he manages to ask.

However, Kazuya ignored the question, “Ride home with me today, okay?”

This only cause Jin’s confusion look to increase, but Kazuya continue staring at the younger one, as if it was normal.

The situation couldn’t get more awkward then this, luckily that was when the teacher entered the classroom, causing everyone to go to their seats.

“Good morning teacher!” they greeted.

“Morning” with that everyone sat back down, getting ready for another day of schoolwork, but before the teacher started his lecture, he got everyone‘s attention, “Class, today we have a new student joining us.” he introduced, and that was when the door opened, a girl walked in.

Kazuya continued to stare at Jin, before noticing how the class was reacting, making him look up too. There, in front of the classroom, stood the girl from the hospital.

His eyes widen, “Am I dreaming??” he murmured, staring at the beauty in front of him.

“Everyone I would like you to meet Motomiya Erika.” he said.

“HI MOTOMIYA!” everyone greeted.

“Call me Erika,“ she smile back, “Please take care of me!” she yelled as she bowed down.

“Hm… where should we put you now…” the teacher paused, noticing a seat open, “Erika, I would like you to sit next to the window, by Yamashita” he said, pointing over to the open seat.

Though it had only been mere minutes, Erika had already caught sight of Kazuya and been giving him all her attention, that was when she notice the seat next to him, “I want to sit there.” she thought, glaring at Jin.

“Erika… Erika?”

Erika quickly snaps back, turning to the teacher who had been calling her, “But… but I want to sit next to the window.” she reply, turning toward the seat that Jin sat in.

“That is next to the window…” he repeated, pointing at the open seat again.

She quickly looks where he was pointing, “But… but… but”

Suddenly Jin stood up, the noise caused the class to look his way, “Um…” he started.

“Akanishi, is there something wrong?”

“Um… you can have my seat,” he paused, obviously noticing her glare, “I can’t really see from this far anyways.” he added, staring at the teacher for permission.

When he heard this, Kazuya’s eyes widen, “Are you planning to get away from me?” he thought, glaring at the younger boy now.

Erika face lighten up, “THANK YOU!!” she yelled as she once again bowed.

“But… but-” the teacher couldn’t say anything more then those weak denials, since Erika was already making her way toward Jin’s seat.

Jin nodded in reply of her thank you, gathering his things, but before he left to his new seat, he accidentally glanced at Kazuya, the older boy only glare at him. Jin quickly bowed and walked to his new seat.

She took at glance at Jin and smirked, “Ah!~ Beauty win everything.” she thought, as she went back to Kazuya. She slowly smile, and took her seat.


As time passed and class changed, Erika continued to stare at Kazuya, hoping he would say something.

Just then, he looked toward her, causing Erika to look away, she smiled before turning to him once more, “I notice you been staring at me a lot” she said.

Kazuya smile, “Wow, you most have good eyes then.” he replied.

She didn’t say anything, but continue smiling her flirtatious smile.

“I’m Kamenashi Kazuya.” he said, taking out his hand.

Erika looked at him as if surprise by the hand, “Beauty can get anything.” she thought, “Hi Kazuya, I’m Erika.” she replied before shaking the boy’s hand.

“Haven‘t we met before?” he asked.

Erika smile, “I don’t believe so.”

“Oh… you don’t? Remember a couple days ago… at the hospital… you entered the wrong room, looking for your grandmother’s room.” he explained.

“Grandmother? My grandma is not in-” she paused, realizing what she just said, she smile again, “Oh! I remember now!” she quickly changed her tone, “You where the boy in that room that I entered…”

Kazuya smiled back.

“Want to go on a date? Since it seem like we want to get to know each other more.” she said.

Kazuya stare at her with shock, “Okay…”


Jin slowly started packing his things, his classmates were already leaving and the class was soon to be empty, but all that was on his mind was Kazuya’s words, “Ride with me…” Jin quickly shook his head, he had not fully recovered from the light headaches but the pain was decreasing.


The said boy quickly recognize the voice, it was Kazuya. Jin looked up, “Yeah?”

“Clean my things after you finish yours, then carry it home, I’m going to take Erika home, so I’ll leave first.” he commanded, glared at Jin before he walked away, Erika was right behind him.

Jin stood there, watching how Erika was whispering to Kazuya but taking smudgy peaks over at Jin.

When they were finally out of sight, Jin slowly walked to Kazuya’s desk and started cleaning his things.

As he was walking home alone, the devil’s words slowly came back into mind, “Ride home with me tonight…”

Jin slowly shook his head. “What am I thinking?” he murmured, “It was just a joke, he would never ask such a thing.”

Walking through the street and carrying the extra weights, Jin couldn’t help but feel like he was carrying bricks, he was breathing rather hard when he finally reached the mansion and his headaches had increased, but without further thinking, the boy tried to shake it off.


Jin quickly changed and came out of his room, knowing that he was already late.

As he reached the first floor, someone suddenly called him. Jin turned toward the voice’s direction, already knowing who it was: Kazuya.

“Jin…” he repeated.

“Master Kazuya, what may I help you with?” he asked, as he bowed down.

Kazuya only smiled at him, but it wasn’t a regular smile, there was something fishy about that smile that Kazuya was giving off, the younger boy got scare and stepped back.

“I want you to come and help out in my room.” he finally said.

“Is that all?”


Jin gave out a relief sighed, not showing it though, “Okay, I’ll be up there in a bit.”

“You don‘t have to inform the others, I already told Junno that you would be with me, so he’ll clean your floor with the Head Maid.”

“Head… Maid??” Jin repeated.

“Yeah, let’s go.”

“Head Maid is back? Shouldn’t I go greet him.” he asked, trying to get Kazuya to go up first.

“NO! Come with me!” he yelled, pulling the younger boy with him.

“WAIT!” Jin called out, causing Kazuya to stop, “I need to go talk to Junno about something.” he lied.

“NO!” Kazuya yelled, continuing to pull him up the stairs.

“Master! Master, I have to do something first! PLEASE!” the younger boy called out, grabbing onto something.

“Stop being so stubborn!” yelled Kazuya, trying to make him let go off the rail.

“Please! It would be quick!” Jin insisted.

Hearing that Kazuya slowly let go of Jin’s hand, “Okay… but I am going to count to 10, if you don’t come back by then, I am carrying you up!” he yelled.

“HAI!” Jin replied in shock, as he ran down into the kitchen.

“1!” the counting started.

“JUNNO!” Jin quickly yelled as he entered the kitchen, luckily seeing the other there.


“I need medici-”

“3!” the loud calling reached the kitchen.

“I need medicine.” he repeated.

“What for?” Junno asked, but he was already walking toward the medicine cabinet.


“I’m having a slight headache.”

“Oh, here!” the other smiled, handing it to Jin.

Jin quickly took out three and swallowed them.


“Thank you!” he called out, already gone from sight.


“BACK!” Jin yelled.

Kazuya stare at him, “What did you needed to do?”

“Nothing…” Jin said.


Jin gave out a nervous smile, “I needed to tell Junno… that…” he paused thinking of something, “I had placed the supplies in a different location, just in case he was looking for them.” he lied.

Kazuya stare at him suspiciously before looking away, “Now come with me.” he ordered.

“Hai…” Jin said, he wasn’t sure why Kazuya wanted him to go up to his room so badly, but all Jin knew was that he was following the devil, into his lair.

**End of Chapter**

you're my maid!

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