I Take Yours Because You Want Me To

Aug 26, 2011 08:39

Title: I take yours because you want me to
Author: koichiko
Pairing: Sakumoto, ShoxGackt
Rating: NC17
Genre: romance, angst
Length: 2,892
Disclaimer: The characters used in this story are not mine, but the story is.
Summary: From the “ Anon Kink Meme” - Anon wanted: Jun and Sho are in a relationship, Gackt knows Jun woud get hard watching his boyfriend getting fucked by someone else and Gackt is more than interested in doing Sho.


Sho really didn’t know what was happening to him.It had been less than a weeks since they shot Gackts appearance on “Arashi ni Shiyagare” and he was still not really sure as to how exactly this situation came to be. One thing was for sure though: Jun had just kissed him slowly and deeply, a kiss that said goodbye in a way totally new for Sho and he was now lying on the bed completely naked and unsure about what to do next.

Because really, who would have thought that Jun would get so turned on only by the thought of this? The last couple of nights he hadn’t been able to talk about anything else, surprisingly enough, since he was usually as possessive as they came and a little shy about his deepest desires in bed, no matter how long he and Sho had been together.

This time things were different though. Jun really, really wanted this. And Sho would do anything to make his boyfriend happy, so he complied in the end. Jun had kissed him passionately and sincerely before he had picked up his phone and dialed Gackts number with trembling hands.

When the older man walked into Juns apartment, tall and lean, his personality outshining as always, Sho had gulped and was only two seconds away from backing away and calling the whole thing off. He couldn’t deny the fact that the older man was really hot and undoubtedly a turn-on but … Sho had never in his life felt this insecure about anything.

So when Jun lead him to the bed and undressed him, kissing him firmly to take the small shivers away, Sho had put everything he had into those kisses, wanting to make Jun feel his fear and desperation. He did this for Jun, not himself and he was starting to regret it.

It wasn’t long before Jun retreated to a comfortable chair in one of the corners of the room from which he could see every little detail on the bed and Gackt stepped forward, slowly reaching out a hand and caressing Sho’s face. “Don’t worry,” he whispered roughly, “I won’t hurt you”.

That wasn’t exactly what Sho was afraid of though, so he just nodded and got to his knees, feeling how his boyfriend’s eyes were following his every move and wondering why Jun’s desire for this made him blind to his discomfort.

Gackt was an adult and experienced in what he did, that was very clear after the first few moments after he started kissing Sho, softly at first, trying to make Sho participate and when he felt a tremor running through Sho, he ceased his kissing and caressed his cheeks, slowly and delicately and whispered against Sho’s lips “It’s okay, Sakurai-san.”

Sho suddenly felt very aware of the fact that he was already naked, shivering slightly against the coldness of the room and that was when he caught his boyfriend’s eyes over Gackts shoulder, who had started placing soft kisses down his neck and he saw Jun’s desire and how he drank in the scene before him, clearly wanting more. Sho decided to act then, taking a hold of Gackts tight shirt and yanking it up, surprising the older man with his bold action.

Gackt looked at him with hungry smugness in his eyes and took Sho’s face in his hands, tenderly but firm and started kissing the newscaster again, and this time Sho kissed back with force. Their lips were moving wetly against each other, angling their heads to get better access and Sho decided then and there that he would do this as best as he could to make Jun happy.

The kiss deepened as Gackt licked Sho’s lower lip to get entrance into his mouth and when he did, Sho let him explore without resistance, gasping softly when Gackt started to let his hands wander over Sho’s body, trailing the strong arms and the hard abdomen and letting his fingers glide over the younger man’s neck. Sho shivered as Gackt took his arms and put them around his own waist, pressing closer to the Arashi member, rubbing his thigh softly against Sho’s groin.

The younger man gasped again, taken by surprise, but soon started moaning softly at the pressure between his legs and let his hands massage Gackts muscular back, trailing his sides and finding them very thin but strong, rubbing tight circles while his mouth was still occupied but Gackts tongue, their lips meeting in different angles as the older man took a hold of Sho’s head with both hands, his fingers threading through the hairs of Sakurais neck and pushing even closer with his entire body, until they were pressed flush against each other, knees brushing and stomachs aliening.

Sho gasped softly as Gackt pushed him down fiercely and let go of his mouth, trailing wet kisses down his neck, licking his right ear and caressing with his fingers down Sho’s thigh.

“He is watching us, Sakurai-san. And he loves what he is seeing.”

The gush of Gackt’s breath made a tremble run down Sho’s spine, but he didn’t look into Jun’s direction, too distracted by what was happening to his body.

The newscaster gasped softly, closing his eyes and just feeling what the older man was doing to him. Really, Sho had to admit that after all the dirty little things Gackt had whispered into Jun’s ear after the Shiyagare-shooting, telling him in detail what he could do to his boyfriend while he was watching, he was taken aback by how gentle the older man was being to him. Shivering, both from nervousness and the creeping hot excitement in his belly which spread throughout his limbs, he felt how Gackts tongue was tracing the vein on his neck, biting every now and then and the smell of his hair and clean skin.

“You like that, huh?” Gackts voice was low and sultry and Sho trembled violently at the tone, promise and anticipation thick in the man’s voice. He grinned against Sho’s shoulder and bit down hard, making the younger man hiss sharply but still get considerably harder where his penis was pressing against Gackts stomach.

When the singer was done licking and nibbling his neck, making Sho elicit small moans and gasps, he started rubbing closer to the man’s growing erection.

“Aaah …” Sho couldn’t stop the small noises of pleasure falling from his lips and he opened his eyes, looking uncertainly into the dark lust-filled ones above him, so many different emotions rushing through him and forcing himself to lay still. Jun’s presence was like a dark shadow in the room and when Gackts hand finally found his dick, Sho arched his back and gave a low whine, searching for Gackts lips with his and letting his hands trail down the mans firm chest, rubbing his nipples shortly.

That seemed to have been the last straw for the older man though and before he knew it, Gackt was jerking him fast with his left hand while he was biting and pressing on his nipples, letting his palms create delicious friction that made Sho groan and wriggle desperately, unsure whether to buck his hips into his hand around his dick or to heave his chest into Gackts palm and mouth.

“You know, Sakurai-san? I’ve wanted to do this for a looong time,” The older man whispered against his skin, “I wonder if you know how fucking hot you actually are …”

Sho gulped a lungful of air and grabbed the older man’s arm, not able to speak or answer now that Gackts speed increased, still whispering little secrets against his chest and Sho turned his head and searched for Jun’s eyes in the corner of the room, for some kind of support. Suddenly though he felt how a hot wet tongue was licking along his shaft and his head jerked back almost immediately, trying to move his hips into the general direction of Gackts mouth. His head was swimming with all the things he was feeling and the excitement rising wasn’t helping the haziness in his head.

Gackt showed his true colours then, letting Sho moan and gasp and only teased him every now and then by flicking his tongue.
“Louder, Sakurai-san. You have to be louder. I think Jun would like to hear you too …”

Sho groaned at Gackts words, trying desperately to move closer to those wonderful lips and when the older man finally took him into his mouth, he let out a long and breathy moan that echoed through the room. Sho shuddered violently and tried desperately to wriggle closer to Gackt.

“Please … Gackt-san, more …”

The pressure around his dick suddenly disappeared and he wailed in disappointment, feeling himself nearing his orgasm with every little stroke of Gackts hand, every long slurp of his tongue. The older man nudged his balls with his nose and Sho could feel his grin more than actually see it. “Are you sure?”

Before Sho could even say another word, he suddenly felt how Gackt pushed his legs further apart and pressed two fingers inside of him without a warning, making Sho scream loudly and wriggle desperately at the strange pressure. He was used to this, of course he was, but these weren’t Jun’s fingers and the technique was so different and Sho’s entire body shuddered at the thought.

Gackt didn’t let him think for too long though. “Ah, Sho-san, you are so tight. I’ll have to prepare you really well or I’ll hurt you.”

Sho’s hands were tightly gripping the bed-sheets and his entire body was tense and tingly as Gackt moved his finger, scissoring them and pushing deeper and when he graced Sho’s prostate for just a simple second, Sho cried out in pleasure and arched his back even more.
“Please, Gackt-san … please, just do it.”

Sho’s voice was low now and desperate, the burning desire in every fibber of his body, his nerves tense and aching and his dick so hard in the older man’s hold. He wanted this to be over already, feeling Jun’s eyes heavily on him and all he could do was beg and plead.

“Please, aah …” he sobbed quietly, turning his head to have a better look at the man above him, “please, Gackt-san, more … I want more, please … oh please …”

Gackt licked his lips and pulled off his still remaining pants in one swift go. Sho was too delirious with lust to even notice he wasn’t wearing any underwear, he just spread his legs more and robbed close to the man, feeling the heat of his skin against the cold of the room and he moaned hoarsely, when Gackt pushed his fingers in deeper, obviously turned on by Sho’s begging.

Then suddenly the fingers were gone and Sho felt himself being flipped to the side until Gackt took a firm hold of his legs, pushed him down unto his knees with his hips and butt in the air, spreading them wide. Sho didn’t even have a second to gasp and get his breath back before the older man was pressing into him.

Sho’s eyes flew open and he screamed into the mattress when Gackt pushed his dick further without stopping and didn’t even give him time to adjust before he was thrusting into the younger man harder. Groaning, all that came out of Gackts mouth before he pushed Sho’s face unto the mattress was “Gosh … you really are tight. Fuck!”

When he had filled Sho up to the hilt, he suddenly withdrew completely and gave Sho a second to breath.

The newscaster couldn’t regulate his breathing though, tears swelling in his eyes because of the pain and the dull throb and all the doubts rushing into him at once, making it very clear that this was not what he wanted, that he only did this for Jun, whom he could feel staring with hot eyes at the scene before him, but that he didn’t enjoy this. Gackt was thicker than Jun and he was using very little lube which was why Sho felt the burn inside of him worse then ever.

But the older man didn’t give him much time for further thoughts.

“Relax ..” was all Gackt whispered before he plunched his throbbing dick back into Sho’s hole, rocking him forward hard and putting an arm around his waist to make sure the younger man didn’t get away from him, instantly finding a hard and sharp pace. Sho cried out with every harsh snap from the singers hips, unable to relax himself enough to enjoy it, the thought that this wasn't Jun permanently in his mind. He started whimpering and panting uncontrollably at the pain and he wanted to beg the man to stop, he wanted to so badly ... but he could feel Jun’s presence, his eyes on him and he told himself to hold on, to make it through, for Jun’s sake and …

Gackt swore and hissed at the tight pressure around him and pulled Sho closer to his body by his hips until the younger man was pressed against his chest and all it took Gackt was some forceful thrust into his tight heat, moving his hips slightly upward to grace that special spot inside Sho again and he came, shuddering and shooting his semen into Sho, pulling out of the man as Sho fell forward and collapsed onto the bed breathlessly, sobbing and shivering and hiding his face in the bed sheets.

Sho felt terrible. For the longest time the only thing that could be heard in the room were his silent sobs and the rustling of sheets as he tried to get away from Gackt as far as possible.

Then he felt a hand on his shoulder and he recognized the hand without even having to look up to look into his boyfriend’s face. Softly pushing closer to him on the bed, Jun put an arm around his waist and pulled his boyfriend towards his chest and Sho couldn’t stop the tears or the shame and guilt he felt.

He pulled Jun even closer when the man had him finally against his chest, putting his arms around Jun’s neck and when his boyfriend took his still hard member into his hand and jerked him off just the way Sho liked it best, fast but delicately. Sho couldn’t help the soft sobs that still mixed with his ragged panting. When he came in Jun’s hand, it was blissful and quiet and he pressed closer to his boyfriend with all he had, trying to translate his desperation onto Jun’s skin and Sho heard him make calming sounds against his neck.

“Please Jun … I don’t ever want to do this again, please …”

Sho’s soft, cracked whispers full of pain and love before he fell asleep cut right through Jun’s heart and his body tensed around Sho. His boyfriend’s tears and the sound of those terrible sobs still resounded in his ears as Jun slowly understood what he had done.

True, the scene had turned him on more than it even had in his dreams and really, the idea had seemed so fucking good at the time, seeing his boyfriend get ravished and fucked hard by someone he admired so much and it had been such a fucking turn-on but …

But seeing Sho lying there, obviously uncomfortable with someone he didn’t love, who wasn’t Jun, touching him like that - he had been seconds away from just going over to the bed and shove Gackt off of Sho. And he had noticed how Gackt had actually been waiting for him to stop him but when he hadn’t, he had started to enjoy the situation wholeheartedly.

Jun swallowed hard, looking down at Sho’s tear-streamed face and he couldn’t believe what he had done. He was hard, that much he had to admit and the sight had been breathtaking and so fucking arousing but …

“It wasn’t worth it, was it?”

The voice came from the doorframe, where Gackt was standing tall and lean and not the least bit smug.

Jun stared at him, unable to be furious with the older man because after all - it had been his own decision. So he simply shook his head, swallowed again and looked back at his boyfriend.

“Good. I hope you know Sho only did this for you. Don’t make him do it again or you’ll lose him.”

Those were the last word Jun heard before the man left the apartment. He would spend the rest of the night caressing Sho’s hair and pressing soft kisses to his temple, scooting closer to him so Sho knew he was by his side even in his sleep. He spent the entire night thinking about what had happened and why he had let it.

Jun didn’t sleep one second that night. And the next day, when Sho woke up with heavy, read eyes, he took him into his arms and kissed him like there was no tomorrow, and he sobbed and apologized and kissed Sho over and over and over again, “I love you” ’s and “I’m so sorry, gosh, I’m so sorry” passing in between their lips.

+ The End +

1.] Guys, I'm so terribly sorry. This didn't turn out at all the way I planned it ;o; I started writing this not so much because I liked the prompt but the fact that it contained so many of my quirks that I decided to write it just to get over them =) I have no idea of it worked though ...
2.] First time writing a pairing that isn't Ohmiya and in my defense - I had no idea how to write Gackt so I hope I didn't mess up completely
3.] Lastly: Sorry Anon who requested this, I have no idea if this is what you actually wanted or not but ... it's all I've got ^^"

kink: lending, pairing: sakumoto, *arashi, genre: angst, pairing: sakurai sho/else, genre: drama, rating: nc17

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