Surprise [Leon/Sora, PG]

Apr 29, 2009 23:00

Title: Surprise
Pairing: Leon/Sora (Yuffie POV)
Rating, Type: PG, lol
A/N: I wrote this for a request a billion years ago; I can't remember who it was and I'm sorry! Also, if the canon details on this are wrong, i'm sorry, it was late and i'm too lazy to be accurate.

They were kissing. Kissing.

Aerith put her hands over my eyes.

Three days before: there they were, Sora, Riku, Kairi. It had been a whole year since we'd seen them last, and even I noticed the way Leon's eyes lit up and a smile quirked at his mouth. Duh. Sora was Sora. It was impossible not to love him.

But that's the way he is around everyone, right?

Back up some more. The Hollow Bastion Restoration Commitee. Leon runs off when he hears about Sora battling the MPC; what a hero. He always does so much for us - for all of us, okay, but we all know Sora takes the brunt of the action. That's practically what he lives for. I've never seen Leon so upset, but then, there hasn't been danger like this.

What? I'm not making excuses, I'm telling it like it is. I still don't see your point.

All right, fine. A little more. We just got started, we're sure as hell happy to see the little pipsqueak after all that business with worlds and keys and Kingdom Hearts. Hey, he gets to see our home! And the town proper, not just the castle. Leon bustles off to the bailey to show him around, tells us to make him up a membership card, bitches to make sure the name's spelled right and everything. He didn't care about getting my name right, but Sora's a guest, and that'd be a little rude. Never mind that Leon's card says 'Squall', which isn't actually his name or anything.

Further? You've gotta be kidding me, Aerith. It's just not true. There were no hints for this. They just acted like normal people under normal circumstances! What more do you want?

Traverse Town. I'm watching when I'm not supposed to; but that's what ninjas do. I see a short kid with a stupid weapon and I think gee, is Leon really gonna fight him? This is going to end badly. I watch them fight. Kid puts up a good one; but any idiot can tell that Leon's holding back. You could see that he was following Sora's every move, just to make sure he was a little bit late, a little bit careless. He didn't want to hurt some poor kid, after all!

Stop laughing, Aerith! I'm being serious, here. You have no right to come here and say that I 'should have expected this', I've laid it all out for you, and clearly, this kissing thing is a big surprise.

...No, seriously! This isn't funny! Aerith! Aerith~! Come o- oh no, not you too, Cloud... I swear, this entire Garden went insane. Overnight. And there was definitely, definitely nothing to suggest that Leon and Sora kissing in the bailey is even remotely not a surprise.

aerith, yuffie, sora, leon/sora, fanfiction, leon

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