Sea Salt [Xaldin/Roxas, PG]

Mar 13, 2008 18:47

Title: Sea Salt
Pairing: Xaldin/Roxas
Written For: sakura443 - because I promised! and inspired by this picture, and the subsequent commentage X3 [ ALSO, HAPPY XALROX DAY! ]
Rating/Type: PG and humor

"They're building a sandcastle."


"It's got TURRETS."

"I said no."

Roxas frowned, trying to wiggle his way free. "...But what if there's heartless inside?"

Xaldin looked down, giving Roxas an extremely dry glare. "Sure."

Number thirteen blinked up at him. "Hey, there could be! You never know!"

Xaldin rolled his eyes. "Come on, it's just a sand castle, spud. It's nothing exciting."

Roxas wiggled again, and Xaldin's arms tightened threateningly around him - sure, they were at the beach, and sure, they had no objective other than to wait for Xigbar and Demyx to be done playing in the ocean... but Xaldin felt responsible for the little blond, and if he let him go, well... he was tiny. He'd probably lose him in seconds.

WIGGLEWIGGLE. "Damnit, Xaldin! Let me the fuck go!"

...Of course, tiny as Roxas was, one must take care to remember that tiny things often packed the biggest punches. I mean, just look at Zexion. "I will not let you the fuck go. If I let you go, I'm not going to be able to find you, because you're tiny. And then the Superior will be all up my ass for losing track of you." Again.

"I'm not tiny where it counts," Roxas grumbled.

>_>. Xaldin thought dirty things.

And Roxas took this oppotunity to bite his arm.

"OW hey what the - "

But Roxas had taken the moment of distration to break free of Xaldin's arms, and took off down the beach. With a loud growl, Xaldin surged to his feet and ran after him... finally, after a long chase, Xaldin pounced him into the sand.

WRIIIIGGGGGGLLLLEEE "Xaldin! Ow, damnit! Get the fuck off me!"

"Well, stop running away!" But Xaldin did pulled back a little, enough so that he wasn't crushing him.

Roxas smirked. And then he tickled him.

When Xigbar and Demyx came back from their swim, they found Xaldin and Roxas right where they'd left them, Roxas in Xaldin's lap, Xaldin's arms around him - but they were both rather unecessarily sandy, and Xaldin was more than a little red.

Demyx frowned. "...Xally, did you forget your suntan lotion again?"

But behind him, Xigbar met Xaldin's eyes, and smirked. He knew Xaldin didn't burn.

Xaldin glared at him.

"...Heyyy, Dem... wanna get some sea-salt ice cream?"

"Whut? Sure." Demyx shrugged, grabbing a towel and rubbing off his hair, which now stuck out at all angles like some multi-length'd porcupine.

"What about you, Xal?"

"I'm fine."

"Ocean's plenty salty for ya, huh?"

"I said I'm fine."

"Or maybe Roxas is the one who wants something salty~"

And then Roxas kicked him in the shins. And he fell over, howling with laughter.

Demyx rolled his eyes. "Come on, Xiggy, Roxas always wants sea-salt ice cream, it's like, his favorite thing ever."

And for the life of him, he couldn't understand why Xigbar started laughing harder - or why the other two suddenly turned even more crimson.

"What? WHAT?"

Xigbar pushed himself up. "Oh jeez... never mind, Dem. Let's go get ice cream. We can leave Mr. Pedo and Roxy to their cuddle time."

"Dude, cuddle time? Second best thing ever!"

And Xigabr and Demyx trotted off to the boardwalk, leaving Xaldin and Roxas...

...yes. To their cuddle time.

xaldin/roxas, roxas, xaldin

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