Even If It Kills Me [2/1 - Xigbar/Xemnas]

Feb 21, 2008 18:50

Title: Even If It Kills Me
Pairing: 2/1 - Xigbar/Xemnas
Written For: the month of February! It's a little late, but I'm catching up.
Type: food for thought
Rating: PG

"So, your grand organization XIII is down to a grand four." The sarcastic voice cut through the thick silence blanketing the World that Never Was.

Xemnas paused, hands poised above the keyboard, but he didn't look up. "Your point is, Number Two?"

Xigbar strode forward, grabbing Xemnas's shoulder and yanking him around. "You knew, didn't you? You knew it was going to end up like this."

"I did not." He met the Freeshooter's eye easily.

"You're so full of shit, Xemnas. We always knew it, we just didn't know how pigheaded and stubborn you were. Five Nobodies slaughtered in Castle Oblivion? OKAY. Let's send Demyx on a mission to his death! Let's sic so many Dusks on Axel that he has to blow himself up to get rid of them!" He threw up his hands, then shook his head. "Xaldin had the right of it. Get out while you can and go with a bang."

"I still fail to see your point, Xigbar," the Superior said quietly.

"My point? The point is, I'm done, Xem. I don't give a shit about Kingdom Hearts and to be honest, I never did. So I'm outta here - find someone else to be your little manslave." He pushed away from the bigger Nobody, making a show of heading for the door... then slowed as he got there, a hand coming up to rest on the doorframe. "You're... not gonna stop me?"

Xemnas's fingers trailed over the keys. "In case you hadn't noticed, I'm really not in any position to tell you what to do."

Xigbar's face snapped up. "Holy shit, dude." He frowned at his one and only superior. "You're scared, aren't you?"

"Fear is an emotion."

"Bullshit." Number Two moved closer, arms folded over his chest. "You can't possibly still think we don't have emotions."

"Anger, fear, hatred........ all is lost to us."

Suddenly, without warning, Xigbar grabbed hold of Xemnas's face, pulling him closer, forcing their eyes to meet. "Xehanort..." He swallowed heavily. "It's you. Don't you get it? God, you're so full of shit and you never even knew it. You're different from us, dude... you always have been. Maybe you never had a heart..." The hands dropped and Xigbar turned away, unable to look at him any more. "...But I did."

There was a long silence, Xemnas staring at the back of Xigbar's head, his face still an emotionless mask. Then the freeshooter moved again, his body moving with a grace that had only been improved since becoming a Nobody.

"Where are you going?" Xemnas whispered.

"I'm following your orders..."

There was a slight crack in Xigbar's voice, and his hand shook as he summoned a portal.

"...Even if it kills me."

xigbar, xemnas, fanfiction

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