Something Else [Axel/Demyx, PG]

Sep 26, 2007 19:54

Title: Something Else
Pairing: Axel/Demyx
Written For: rainbowserenity :3
Type: fluff
Rating: PG

Demyx usually felt worn out after missions - like the very fabric of his soul had been... strung out and stretched paper-thin, leaving his muscles aching from the stress. Some missions were better than others... some missions were peaceful.

He pushed open the door to his room, wearily flopped down onto his bed...

And felt something large and fluffy smack him in the face. Hard.

"AUUUGH!" He sat up quickly and grabbed for it, but Axel was faster. The redhead laughed.

"Tired, are we?"

Why did Axel always sound so infuriating? "Yes, I am." He frowned and tried to catch the pillow, but Axel dangled it out of reach, winking.

"C'mon, Demdem... it's way too early to be tired." He maneuvered the pillow out of Demyx's reach, then smacked him on the stomach with it.

"Axel~..." It was then that Demyx realized that he did, in fact, have another pillow. He reached behind his head and took hold of it, then swung upwards to clock Axel firmly on the side of the head.

Axel laughed and beat Demyx again, making him wince. "Come on, stand up, I want a real pillow fight!"

Demyx rolled his eyes... but he pushed himself into a sitting position. "Only for you, Axel..." He held his pillow up in defense, though, and let Axel smack him around for a bit before even attempting to retaliate - and it was a weak retaliation, at that.

Axel finally tossed his pillow to the side, and sat down next to Demyx. He sighed and then wrapped his arms around the other Nobody, pulling him close into his chest.

Demyx let himself be pulled, just letting his muscles go. It was incredibly relaxing.

Axel shook his head. "Man, you really suck at fighting, don't you?"

Demyx pouted. "I don't suck at it... I just don't like it." He reached up and toyed with the chain on Axel's coat, making little clinky noises. "I get scared."

"Even in just a pillow fight?" Axel kissed the top of Demyx's head.

"Mm... a little?" Demyx winced. "I just got back from a mission. It was rough."

"Really now."

"Yeah. There were a lot of Heartless... I had to run away a lot."

Axel chuckled, and Demyx could feel the vibrations in his chest. "You know Demyx, you're something else."

"Something else as opposed to what?"

Axel kissed his forehead, and shook his head slowly. "Never mind. Take a nap."

"Is it a bad something else?" Demyx asked doubtfully, even as his eyes were already sliding closed.

"No... it's great. I like it a lot." Axel waited until Demyx's breathing settled in the evenness of sleep, then sighed again. "...It's wonderful," he whispered.

Drifting off into dreamland, Demyx smiled.

axel/demyx, fanfiction, demyx, axel

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