Chain of Command [Marluxia/Xemnas, PG]

Sep 25, 2007 23:22

(and then I realized... I want these in my compendium XDD; therefore... have some fic.)

Title: Chain of Command
Pairing: Marluxia/Xemnas... or is it Xemnas/Marluxia? XD
Written For: iwantasoda
Type: food for thought
Rating: PG

Even Nobodies needed to sleep, to recuperate their bodies that no longer aged.

Marluxia leaned back in his chair and sighed. Larxene and Axel were alseep... presumably... well, they had locked themselves in the bedroom, anyway, and weren't to be disturbed. Right. He sat up and chuckled -

And flinched when he heard the sound of a portal openeing.

Blue eyes widened... met orange.

Xemnas frowned. "You didn't think you could hide from me, could you?"

Snort. "Of course not."

"But you are the Lord of Castle Oblivion..." He cocked his head to one side and smirked.

"Which just makes you an arrogant prick, as usual," Marluxia replied smoothly.

"It takes one to know one." They stared each other down, then suddenly Xemnas moved around the room, inspecting the screens showing different areas of the castle.

Marluxia watched him move. "What are you doing here, Xemnas?"

"Hmm?" He looked up, his expression mildly perplexed. "Well, you are plotting to overthrow me..."

"I'd be a better leader than you and you know it." Marluxia's lip curled in what was almost a snarl; but he was far too sophisticated for that.

They'd had this argument before - different words were used, but the message was the same. "There are many who would be, Number Twelve."

Marluxia swallowed down another snarl; he hated how Xemnas had to rub it in his face. "Well that's what your lackeys are here for, right? I want to know why you're here."

"Four, Five, and Six? Yes. They are here." He smiled softly as he completed his circle of the room, ending up next to Marluxia's chair.

"They will die," Marluxia hissed, glaring up at his Superior.

"So will you," Xemnas said softly, far softer than number twelve could ever have thought possible.

He blinked; his words caught up in his breath as he processed what Xemnas said. "I'm going to win," he whispered, but he couldn't meet those piercing tawny eyes.

There was a flash of gold at the neck of Marluxia's coat as he turned his head, and Xemnas reached out, his fingers closing on a thin chain of gold.

Marluxia looked - and winced as Xemnas slowly drew out the necklace, a hair-fine chain from which dangled a single pendant - the Organization symbol, small and simple.

Neither said a word for a long time, then Xemnas reached down, and Marluxia lifted his head to take the faint kiss he offered.

SNAP. One yank, and the chain broke, leaving Xemnas with the golden necklace pooled in his black-gloved hand. "You will die, Marluxia, and I will win."

He faded into a portal, and Marluxia stared blankly forward.

Sleep was not an option any longer.

xemnas, marluxia/xemnas, fanfiction, marluxia

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