Thirty Dirty Dates [ Certain as the Sun ]

Sep 13, 2007 11:50

Title: Thirty Dirty Dates [ Certain as the Sun ]
Pairing: Xaldin/Xigbar
Written For: iwantasoda (lawl finally) and 30_dates prompt- 9. Dance
Type: fluff :3
Rating: PG

Xaldin sighed. "I can hear you, you know."

Xigbar materialized in the middle of the room, his top half sticking out of the chandelier. "Guess I'm not sneaky enough for you, huh?"

He scowled. "You rustle when you move. And I could almost hear the mischevious laughter in your head..."

"I wasn't laughing!" Xigbar grinned, then appeared next to Xaldin, leaning on his shoulder.

"You were thinking about it. What are you doing here, anyway?" He drifted away from Xigbar, more towards the center of the room. It was dark at this time of night, he should light a few candles.

"Visiting, of course!"



"Why come here?" He lit the candles, and the low light barely warmed the room.

Xigbar chuckled. "Do you even have to ask?" He looked around him as the large room because slightly more visible. "Geez, what is this place?"

"It's a ballroom." Xaldin rolled his eyes; he hadn't expected Xigbar to remember that Ansem had had one, too. It was nothing like this, anyway.

"Haha... a ball room?! Dude, that's awesome! Can we fill it up with balls?!"

"No, you idiot, it has nothing to do with balls. It's a room for dancing."

"What?" Xigbar spun around, confused. "It looks way too nice for dancing!!"

"Not the kind of dancing you're thinking of..." Xaldin sighed. "Here. Hang on a second." He floated over to a piano in one corner, and frowned... lifted a hand, and carefully directed a thin strip of wind to hum along the strings in just the right way...

The piano began to play, a pleasant waltz. He turned back to Xigbar. "You've honestly never heard of this before?"

He shook his head, the music and the expensive atmosphere were confusing him. "Nah, never. It's kind of pretty..." Suddenly he jumped, as Xaldin grabbed his hand. "What are you doing?"

"Teaching you how to dance, of course."

"I know how to dance!"

"Duly noted. I'm going to teach you how to waltz."

"To what?" Xigbar was even more confused as Xaldin placed his left hand on his shoudler and grabbed the other one. Then Xaldin's other hand found a place on his hip. "What?"

"Just shut up and try to follow me. See, you move your feet like this..."

Xigbar tried to look down, and promptly clonked his forehead on Xaldin's. "OW!"

"Stop that. Keep looking up, you've got plenty of coordination."

Xigbar smirked. "If I fall, would you catch me?"

"Don't be ridiculous." Xaldin scowled back. "You wouldn't fall. Now, keep moving... there's a rhythm to it."

They drifted around the ballroom, sometimes waltzing, sometimes tripping and stepping on each other's feet.

"Xigbar! That was on purpose!"

Xigbar laughed. "Well, what can I say... my foot wanted to be closer to yours..."


"No, that's lower..."

It was after a particularly loud peal of laughter that the door opened, and both Nobodies were too engrossed in their dance to even pay attention.

"Hey! That was almost a fall, and you totally would have caught me if I had!"

"It was not. You stumbled a little."

"Denial, denial! Ooooowned!"

Xaldin laughed at that, suddenly, and Xigbar couldn't help but smile. He had never been able to decide if he liked his Whirlwind Lancer better when he was glaring or smiling.

"You'll see, Xally, even if I have to fall on purpose..." A smug little grin tugged at the corner of his mouth.

"If you fall on purpose, I will definitely not catch you!"

On the other side of the ballroom, still frozen in the doorframe, Belle watched as the two men in black coats danced to phantom music. They were surprisingly graceful, especially the one with the dreadlocks, despite being so big. She relaxed, slowly, as another laugh burst out and echoed across the room.

"That wasn't on purpose! It really wasn't!" Xigbar's grin could not have been wider.

"Oh come on... you stepped right on the bruise!"

"Well, maybe it was a LITTLE on purpose..."

"Either you meant to or you didn't, which was it?!"

She felt strange - like she was intruding on something very private, even though they were just dancing. And anyway, this was the Beast's ballroom, not their's! She took a few steps forward, away from the door...

The music stopped. She froze.

Xaldin's grip on Xigbar's hip and hand suddenly became crushing, and Xigbar winced. "Ow! Xaldin..."

"Shut up." He looked back and forth, then right at the door - ah. There was the intruder.

Belle swallowed. "This room isn't yours, you know!"

Xigbar wiggled, totally unable to break free of Xaldin's hands. "Dilan, you're hurting me..."

Xaldin let go immediately. "We were merely borrowing it for a time, my lady," he said, trying to keep his tone as polite as possible.

The illusion was totally shattered, however, when Xigbar draped himself over Xaldin's shoulders and called out, "You a look a little uncomfortable over there!" with his voice full of innuendo.

Belle blinked. "Uhm..."

Xaldin sighed heavily. "I'm sorry. We'll leave." He opened a portal behind the two of them, and shoved himself backwards into it, taking Xigbar with him.

The second they were back in Xaldin's room at the World that Never Was, Xigbar collapsed on the bed, laughing. "Oh man. Did you see the look on her face?!"

Xaldin scowled at him. "We could have dealt with that in a civilized..."

"That was too great an opportunity to pass up!" Xigbar cackled. "Besides, she deserves to get lanced in the face, she was probably watching for like, half an hour."

"Hardly. More like ten minutes..."

"Still!" He turned over so he was flopped on his stomach. "That's the girl you were talking about, right? The one the Beast loves?"

Xaldin nodded. After a moment's consideration, he shoved Xigbar against the wall so he could sit on the bed.

"Oof. So once he's a Heartless, can I shoot her?"

"Possibly." Xaldin smirked. "If I don't spear her to death first."

"What?! And take all the fun for yourself!" Xigbar sat up and wrapped his arms around Xaldin's waist. "Xaaaaldiiiin that's not faaaaair."

"Life isn't fair..." he grinned and closed his eyes as Xigbar nibbled at the back of his neck. "Mmm. We can both kill her, how's that?"

"Even better." He chomped down a little harder. "That dancing thing was pretty cool, though."

Xaldin cracked open one eye. "What, you actually liked it?"

"Yeah, it was fun." He shoved the thick coil of dreadlocks away so he could have more to work with. "I mean, anything with you is pretty much guaranteed to be fun."

Xaldin snorted. "What if I was doing something boring?"

"I'd be content to watch." He grinned and moved up to Xaldin's ear, playing with the earring. "I wouldn't get bored."

"Yes, but you'd end up distracting me and I'd have to chase you away to get any work done." He hummed lightly, his eyes shut again at the pleasant sensations.

"That's not my fault. And it would still be fun." Xigbar bit on the edge of the ear. "Hmmm. You really wouldn't catch me if I fell?"

Xaldin rolled his eyes. "You're the master of space. You wouldn't hit the ground if you didn't want to."

"Yes, logically you'd think that way, but what if I didn't react fast enough?"

"You have the best reaction time of all of us."

"Logically, logically. But in that split second, would your mind think through all that, or would your body's natural instinct be to catch me?"

Xaldin thought about this, which was mildly difficult, because Xigbar had latched onto that little sensitive spot right under his ear, and damn if it didn't feel amazing. "Hmph. I guess I don't know."

"I think you would."

"I think you're wrong."

Xigbar grinned, and pulled Xaldin unresistingly back against him. "We'll have to find out someday, huh?"

Xaldin chuckled, and let his head fall back. "Someday. If you ever do fall."

xigbar, xaldin/xigbar, thirty dirty dates, fanfiction, xaldin

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