Let it Beat [Axel/Demyx, PG]

Sep 05, 2007 11:01

Title: Let it Beat
Pairing: Axel/Demyx
Type: fluff... ish?
Rating: PG

Shiny new room. Shiny new coats. Shiny new sitar - well, same old sitar, except now he could conjure it out of thin air and make waterclones and whoop ass.

Myde - er, Demyx - really didn't see the downside to becoming a Nobody. The name change would take some getting used to, and the wardrobe was lacking in creativity, but on the whole? It was a pretty sweet deal.

Oh. Yeah. The whole losing-your-heart thing. Well, that was just plain silly.

The room was a little lonely, though. There weren't any pictures on the wall - coming from Atlantica, he didn't own any - and the bedspread was a boring shade of gray, just like everything else.

He flopped on the bed, then got up and began to pace. He was restless, and nervous - the few members of the Organization he'd met, well... they didn't seem to like him very much. And they weren't very friendly.

He reached up and summoned Nocturne, grateful for even the company of an inanimate object - WELL, no. That was wrong. His sitar could never be described as "inanimate".

He sat on the bed again, and pulled the instrument lovingly into his lap. He struck a chord, modulated, then began a lively dance tune - and stopped again, just as suddenly.

That's right. He had neighbors, and technically it was nighttime. Demyx hadn't met Number Eight yet, but from what he knew of the Organization, they wouldn't bethrilled to hear music when they were trying to sleep.

That's when he heard it - T-t-t-tap t-tap tap.

Was that...?

He quickly played a strain of the melody again, matching the beat.

Tap t-t-tap tap.

Demyx answered, a slow smile curling onto his face.

The next beat was more complex, faster. Demyx matched it, adding a trill and a slide.

There was a pause.

In unison, they struck up a tune, Demyx playing to Number Eight's fiery rhythm. He fingered patterns he didn't know the names of, struck chords he didn't know existed, all to keep up with - and keep pushing - the invisible beat.

"You ready to take it up a notch?"

The voice struck Demyx to the core. It was edgy, it was sexy, it made him want the walls to disappear.

"Any time now," he replied, trying to be smooth and coy... and knowing it probably just sounded lame.

But the drumbeat picked up, and he changed keys... Number Eight must have eight arms to play like that, he thought in a daze, the pads of his fingers burning. What if he's an octopus?!

And then there was no room for thinking, only music. Watery notes danced around the room, wavering and shattering and forming again with the raw power of the unending rhythm.

And just when the thought that he couldn't take it anymore dared to hover at the edge of his consciousness...

"OH MY GOD. Will you people STOP THAT?! Some of us like to sleep at night!!"

"Oh you're one to talk. You weren't asleep and you know it."

"Just because I have to put up with banging from YOUR room..."


Demyx cautiously opened the door to his room. Standing there was Vexen, who he'd had the unfortunate experience of meeting previously, along with two badass-looking Nobodies who it probably would be an unfortunate experience to meet. Gulp.

...Oh, and they were half-naked and had their arms around each other. Something about that vaguely registered in the "Weird Stuff" category of Demyx's brain.

"Look, you can take your half-assed 'sleep' shit and shove it up someone else's ass for tonight, okay?"

There was that voice again.

"And if we didn't wake Sleeping Beauty over there, we're obviously not bothering anyone."

He was... well, he was almost everything that Demyx had dared to imagine. Except better. A whole lot better.

"So you can take your attitude back to your room, and you two can... uh..." Axel rolled his eyes. "Go back to whatever you were doing, and Number Nine and I are politely going to shut the hell up out of respect for our elders. Got it? Good." Axel turned his piercing green eyes on Demyx, who flushed, startled at the sudden intensity. "And as for you..."

"...Yes?" Demyx nervously shuffled his feet.

"...What's your name?" Vexen, Xaldin, and Xigbar had scooted off down the hall, either back to their rooms or to argue some more.

"Demyx." He was surprised he hadn't said Myde by accident.

"Right. Well then. I'm Axel, got it memorized?"

"Er... sure." Demyx raised an eyebrow at him. Got it memorized? What kind of catchphrase was that? "You... that was..."

Axel smirked. "You're a fast hand on that instrument of yours, I must say. And I'm sure we'll have all the time in the world to get to know each other better, but for now..." He took Demyx's hand, flipped it over, and kissed it, all to Demyx's astonishment. "It's time for bed." Wink. "Well, for sleeping, that is."

Demyx stared at Number's Eight's closed door for a long, long time.


Being a Nobody... was definitely worth it.

axel/demyx, fanfiction, demyx, axel

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