Old Habits Die Hard [Xaldin/Xigbar, PG-13]

Sep 03, 2007 14:12

Title: Old Habits Die Hard
Pairing: Xaldin/Xigbar
Type: fluffish
Rating: PG-13

Well, the good old pain receptors were still functioning juuuuust fine. Losing his heart hadn't changed how much it hurt, even if it didn't bleed.

Too bad he had to find out the hard way.

"I... you... AUGH!" Xigbar's hands were clamped over his right eye, and the left one glared every kind of evil death at his sudden adversary. "My EYE! My fucking goddamn EYE!"

"You deserved it." Xaldin clenched his shaking hands, and returned the glare with every ounce of ferocity he could muster. "You absolutely deserved it, you pathetic little maggot."

"You didn't have to spear me in the eye!"

"Yes, I did!" He folded his hands behind his back; they were shaking too hard now, and he was afraid... that he might lose control again.

It shouldn't be like this. There was something wrong. Shouldn't he feel guilty?

Xigbar moaned, and threw his head back. "Oh god, it fucking hurts..." He disappeared and reappeared behind Xaldin, upside down, facing away. The room had narrowed to a thin band of walkway, with a yawning void on either side.

Xaldin immediately spread his feet to get his balance... then scowled and summoned a wind to lift him into the air. "You won't get me back like that."

"I can bloody well try!" Xigbar whipped around, guns in hand, and fired a volley of piercing arrows.

Shouldn't he feel remorse for what he'd done? Xaldin wasn't lying when he said he deserved this.

"Bring it." The wind whipped faster, and a sudden splay of spears deflected the projectiles.

They were still learning. Xigbar would forget that he could teleport, or Xaldin would lose track of one or two spears. But the Whirlwind Lancer was clearly the better fighter - he always had been. Some things didn't change.

Finally Xigbar collapsed to the ground, and the playing field shimmered and returned to their cave in the Land of Dragons. After a moment, he moaned and curled into a ball again - the anger had stalled the pain for a while, but only to make it worse now.

Xaldin landed quietly. He felt nothing, not even pride for the victory. "If it comforts you to know... I did not mean to..." he scowled. "...I lost control."

"Oh, that's comforting," Xigbar drawled sarcastically. "If your words could stop it from hurting, I'd have a much more sympathetic ear."

Xaldin sighed and drifted over to where Xigbar was curled on the floor. "Turn over."


"Braig. Face me, please."

Xigbar scowled... but slowly turned over, and fixed one baleful yellow eye on Xaldin's impassive face. "You're a fucking prick."

Xaldin leaned in and brushed his lips to the jagged skin under his right eyebrow. "You should probably get that stitched up."

"Maybe I'll think about it, once the searing pain stops for a bit." Xigbar rolled his eye. "You know, you're the biggest asshole in the entire world. What kind of jerkface spears a guy in the face then bloody kisses it?"

"Old habits die hard," Xaldin muttered quietly. "And as I said, you deserved it."

Xigbar said nothing. He knew it was true. "...Kiss me," he said suddenly, a smirk crawling onto his face.

Xaldin frowned. "Why?"

"...Old habits die hard," Xigbar said with a rather mischevious grin.

Xaldin complied - he'd never been able to resist Braig, and that instinct was still strong. His lips lingered for longer than he expected... Xaldin paused, then his eyes slid closed and he kissed him again, lost in a sensation that could only be called beautiful.

"I was right," Xigbar murmured as Xaldin finally pulled away, a light blush on his cheeks.

"What?" he muttered, still a little dazed.

"...It doesn't hurt as much now."

Xaldin's eyes widened, and he stared down at Xigbar, who merely smiled.

"Dilan..." He reached up and grabbed hold of a dreadlock, then tugged it gently. "Maybe there's some habits that should never die."

xigbar, xaldin/xigbar, fanfiction, xaldin

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