The Heart of All Words [Saix/Xemnas, PG]

Sep 01, 2007 21:36

Title: The Heart of All Words
Pairing: Sai/Xem, Xem/Sai, doesn't matter.
Type: food for thought, fluff
Rating: PG

They lay together afterwards, as always, wound in sweat-soaked sheets under the light of Kingdom Hearts.

Saix traced a finger down Xemnas's chest, and was rewarded with a low shudder, and a sleepy smile. Xemnas was always exhausted afterwards, and Saix let him collapse, out of some perverse notion of gratitude.

On the other hand, sex made Saix talkative. He kept his thoughts to himself, mostly, out of deference to Xemnas - but a part of him always wanted to say what was on his mind, say the thousand things that had been buzzing there ever since he'd first arrived, and first spent the night in his Superior's arms.

He was the first new recruit. Xemnas had been at the castle purely by chance - and it was pure chance that he'd witnessed the fantastic transformation as Isa, a powerful sorceror, gave in to the darkness of jealousy.

His Heartless had destroyed itself in a wild frenzy, as Xemnas looked on. As a human Isa had barely been able to control his temper at the best of times, and it seemed like that was his undoing once again.

It was at that point that Saix realized he was actually watching the scene, and he turned to look at Xemnas just as the older Nobody turned to face him.

The attraction was immediate - for Saix, at least. He never knew what Xemnas was thinking, back then.

Saix smiled and kissed his collarbone, lightly scraping the skin with his teeth then soothing it with his tongue. Xemnas barely even stirred.

And so he'd entered the bewildering new world of the Organization, still new and fresh and unsure of themselves. Still accidentally calling each other by the names they'd discarded.

They didn't like Saix, or didn't like the idea of him. The best of them was barely tolerant, the worst with abject hatred.

He followed Xemnas back to his room, almost frightened that one of them would kill him in his sleep.

It had been sudden, fast, and furious - but Saix knew it wouldn't be the last time, and he could feel how much he was needed. How much Xemnas needed him, in more than one way.

As they lay there afterwards, Saix held his tongue, but words pooled behind his lips and clamored to be free. He could not speak them.

In time he learned that Xemnas believed Nobodies to lack hearts, and the rest of the Organization agreed with him.

He learned of the heart of all worlds, and something about the nature of Kingdom Hearts spoke to the powerlust within him.

He learned that Xemnas had ticklish ears.

And even now, he held his tongue, and refused to say the words that he'd wanted to say since his first day as a Nobody.

But Nobodies didn't have hearts, they said.

And for love, Saix pretended to believe.

saix/xemnas, xemnas/saix, fanfiction

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