Itsumademo [Riku/Sora, PG]

Aug 27, 2007 11:50

Title: Itsumademo
Pairing: Riku/Sora mostly, some hints of Axel/Roxas and Kairi stuff.
Written For: technically for everlastingsky, but this is... very different, so if you want I'll write you another one T_T and it doens't have much to do with the prompt, other than... yano, Sanctuary.
Type: songfic
Rating: PG

In you and I, there's a new land...

As always, the sound of his name spurred him on - he didn't care about the Organization, didn't care that they were using him, didn't even care about this Heartless anymore, as his mind beat out a single litany, over and over. Riku. Riku. Riku.

Angels in flight... this sanctuary, my sanctuary.

It was torture to just... watch, from afar, and feel Namine's little smirk on the back of his head. He didn't have to see to know she was laughing at him - laughing at the third wheel, hopelessly clinging on.

Where fears and lies melt away, music in time..."

"Aw, we do too have hearts!"

If you had hearts, you'd be off falling in love instead of FIGHTING me!

What's left of me, what's left of me now.

He froze, fear crystallizing in his heart just as ice crystallized on his blade, from the cold. It was too soon. Go away, Sora, I can't let you see me now!

I watch you fast asleep...

She stood in the bright room in the lost house, and pressed her cheek against the cold glass separating them. "I'll never let go."

All I fear means nothing.

"KAIRI?!" Sora looked around him frantically. "She was HERE?!" She was supposed to be safe... home, and safe!

In you and I, there's a new land.

She stood at the water's edge and let the prayers in her heart carry the bottle on the waves. She could remember his name, now... Sora. The Sky.

Angels in flight, my sanctuary...

He watched in amazement as she held up a hand, and time stopped. Just like that. "Hello Roxas," she said, and her voice tickled the back of his memory, like something he'd forgotten a long time ago but only needed a moment to remember.

My sanctuary, where fears and lies melt away.

He huddled close to himself, awash in darkness... but he couldn't be what he once was, turning away from that truth that made him whole. The one little bit of light, always burning in the corner of his heart, and he watched as Mickey lied and lied to keep Sora away from the truth. He honestly wished it could just be over...

Music in time... what's left of me, what's left of me.

Imprisoned. Again. Did anyone truly care about her?

So many ups and downs... My heart's a battleground.

He couldn't... stand it! No one cared, no one realized that Sora and Roxas coexisted just FINE, they didn't have to go in and mess things up and ruin Axel's life because of some stupid plot for revenge! What were they doing wrong, anyway? Trying to find a means to justify their existence? WHAT WAS WRONG WITH THAT?!

You show me how to see that nothing is whole and nothing is broken.

He leaned forward, hands splayed on either side of Axel's head, some dark part of him surging with emotion. "Why?"

In you and I, there's a new land... angels in flight.

"I wanted to see Roxas again. He... made me feel like I had a heart." You're a goddamn idiot, you know, he heard Roxas tell him. "You... kind of make me feel the same way." He's far too stupid to realize what you're saying. You should have captured Riku, he would have thrown himself at you without a second glance. Axel winced as Roxas's voice resounded in his mind. We'll meet again, in the next life. I'll be waiting.

My sanctuary...

He left Xigbar to fade away and climbed the steps.

My santuary...

They hugged warmly, albeit awkwardly. Sora was so glad to see that she was safe and sound.

Where fears and lies melt away.

Kairi held their hands together, and Riku couldn't see, but he could almost feel the leap in Sora's heart, and he took a selfish pleasure in that joy. He wasn't this happy to see Kairi. That would have to do.

Music in time...

"I searched everywhere for you!"

I need more affection than you know.

Riku ran to Sora's side after the explosion. He was fine... and so was Riku. The darkness was gone, but Riku had a feeling it had less to do with Ansem blowing himself up and more to do with the heartbreakingly beautiful smile on the face of his best friend.

What's left of me?

Sora realized they were alone.

What's left of me now?

They walked into the darkness, and Riku pretended to be worse than he was, because he wanted Sora close to him. He was horrible person, but he was a horrible person who was hopelessly in love.

My fears, my lies...

They sat on the beach, close to each other, and spoke of many things - of darkness, and home, and the heart.

Suddenly Sora turned and realized that Riku was very, very close to him. And he realized something that he'd never known before, but it had always been there, shimmering under the the surface.

He kissed him.

...melt away.

riku, kairi, sora, fanfiction, riku/sora, roxas, namine, axel

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