Send Me a Song [Ienzo/Myde]

Aug 26, 2007 23:15

Title: Send Me a Song
Pairing: Ienzo/Myde
Written For: villanelle_koi
Type: fluff angst
Rating: PG
A/N: please to download THIS SONG. It goes with the fic. For serious.

"I'm... sorry I'm late!" The windblown young man doubled up and clutched his stomach, breathing heavily.

His friend nodded, face half-hidden by a brightly colored scarf. "It's okay," he said, and his voice was pure music to Ienzo's ears.

He looked up, breathing a little more even now. "Ansem wanted to talk to me..."

"I said it's okay." Myde patted him on the back. "I'm just glad you're here."

Ienzo nodded. It was cold, at this time of year... he pulled his coat closer around him. "Myde..."


"There's... something I wanted to talk to you about."

"What is it?" Even in this cold weather, Myde had his shoes and socks off, so he could dip his feet in the sea water. This rocky ledge was their special place, even more precious on this day because it sheltered them from the wind.

Ienzo paused, and tried to put his thoughts in order. "There's... something going on, with the other apprentices... and..." he wasn't sure how to say this, or why it was so difficult. "...I might be going away. And I'm not sure what will happen... when I do." He tried to swallow the lump in his throat, this was so much harder than it should have been!

"Oh... I'll wait for you." Myde smiled cheerfully.

"N-no, it's..." Ienzo cast around desperately for a way to say what he absolutely did not want to. "...I may not... come back."

Myde was silent then, an unfathomable expression on his face. Finally, he looked up and met Ienzo's hazel eyes with his own, blue as the sky. "...Why?"

Ienzo sat back, stunned by the question. Just like Myde, he thought miserably. To ask the one question I don't have an answer for.

"...I..." he knew that anything he said would sound insignificant and stupid to the rather simple-minded Myde. They had been friends for so long, they both knew each other better than anyone, but Ienzo had learned long ago that there were some things that Myde just didn't comprehend.

Silence fell between them like a wall, separating them by the words they couldn't say.

"You really have to?" Myde said in a small voice, not trusting himself to meet Ienzo's eyes.

He nodded. "I won't forget you." That was the truth - as far as he knew it. Another wave of fear for the unknown flowed over him... and this time, there was no Aeleus to steady his nerves.

Suddenly he felt a gentle touch on his cheek, and he looked up, startled.

"You're scared," Myde whispered softly.

Ienzo nodded. "Terrified," he added.

Suddenly Myde was hugging him, pulling them together, and Ienzo was stunned but returned it fiercely.

"You have to promise me something."

"If I can," Ienzo murmured into his friend's ear, fighting tears.

He felt something being pressed into his palm. He lifted his hand so he could see it, looking over Myde's shoulder.

"...a flute?"

"You have to promise me," Myde said, clinging to Ienzo's shoulders. "That if something happens... that you'll play this flute for me."

Ienzo gave his friend a quizzical look.

"...and I'll find you." Myde took a deep breath and let it out. "No matter what, I'll hear you, and I'll find you."

Ienzo curled his fingers around the little flute, which had a string so he could hang it around his neck. "I promise," he murmured, his voice shaky.

They held each other until the sun went down, and Myde watched his best friend leave with a sick feeling in his heart.

He's oblivious, he thought, as the tears that he'd held back finally sprang to his eyes. He's always been oblivious.

I love you.

~ + ~

Zexion moved a stack of papers on his desk and ignored their newest addition babbling in the background.

"...think no one lived in here, how can you be so neat?"

It was like the thing that wouldn't shut up! Zexion put down his pencil and glanced over his shoulder. "Do you mind?"

Axel looked up, then smirked. "Nope, I don't. You can work, I'm totally okay with that."

Zexion rolled his eyes. Not what he'd meant.

"Hey... what's this?"

Blink. "I don't know."

"It's like... a flute..." Axel turned it over in his hands. "But it's so tiny. And it's got a string... to hang it up, I guess?"

"It's a necklace," Zexion murmured, wonder in his eyes. He got up from his desk, almost stumbling. "...Where did you find that?"

"It was behind these books here." Axel held it out, and Zexion cradled it in his fingers.


When Axel finally left, he sat on his bed and stared at the tiny flute in hands.

Myde. It had been so long.

Something inside him remembered what it was like to hope. He raised the flute to his lips, and played a melody... it was sad, and sweet, and reminded Zexion of the emotions he thought were gone forever.

After a long minute, he sighed, and put the flute away. Stop being silly, he told himself. He's never going to hear that.

~ + ~

The new Nobody was called Demyx.

Zexion stared, watching from a distance as he easily befriended everyone with his easy smile. The hard part was getting him alone.


Demyx's eyes sparkled, they were a more brilliant blue now. "I heard them call you Zexion. I like it."

"What are you doing here?" he whispered.

Demyx smiled. "I heard your song..."

Zexion paled, and he felt his jaw begin to drop.

"...and it took me a little while, but I did find you." He laughed. "I had to become a Nobody to join the Organization, but I think it's worth it."

Suddenly Zexion pulled Demyx into a warm, bone-crushing hug.

He just laughed, and hugged back. "Did you miss me?"

"Like you wouldn't believe."

"I think I can imagine..."

~ + ~

Axel stood in the doorway, and Demyx knew that something was wrong. He wasn't saying anything.

"Demyx..." Axel moved into the room, then stopped. He shouldn't even be here. He wasn't worthy. "There's something I have to tell you."

"What is it?" Demyx asked, a foreboding feeling in the pit of his stomach. He held his hands over the sitar to still the strings.

"Zexion..." but he couldn't get the rest of the sentence out, and he couldn't meet Demyx's eyes.

"...he's dead." Demyx looked away, out the window, eyes glassed over.

"..." Axel didn't say anything. It wasn't right, this whole situation. This whole goddamn Organization. "...He wanted me to give you something." Before I killed him.

Demyx looked up, a question in his eyes.

Wordlessly, Axel held out his hand and dropped a tiny flute into Demyx's lap.

He played it for hours, and when he couldn't play anymore, he cried. Because he knew that Ienzo couldn't hear him, because he didn't get to say goodbye, because he never told him what he was too oblivious to notice.

I love you. I love you. I love you.

ienzo, ienzo/myde, fanfiction, myde

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