1. color fill layer. #CCF6FD, color burn 58%
2. color fill layer. #FCC5EE, overlay 13%
3. another color fill layer. #031C37, exculsion 34%
4. new channel mixer layer.
r; +128, -35, -3
g; -14, +116, +10
b; -36, +59, +104
5. color balance layer.
midtones; +14, -6, -25
shadows; -2, +12, -7
highlights; -13, -11, -7
6. color fill (last one xD) #FAC147, soft light 41%
7. channel mixer layer.
r; +100, -18, +19
b; -32, +52, +102
all done. (;
1. duplicate base, set to screen 22% opactity
2. levels layer.
RGB; 0, 0.83, 255
3. curves.
RGB; point one; 103, 102 two; 167, 155
blue; point one; 129, 134 two; 105, 101
4. make an invert layer (i think psp has this. sorry if it doesn't, i really cant remember.) set it to soft light @ 28%
5. new color fill layer, #3E3E3E, difference, 36%
6. paste this texture by ? (if its yours, tell me. (;)
set to darken 100%
all done, unless you want to add text or light textures. (;