mad$hip English translation

Mar 23, 2011 00:25

...or whatever Japanese there is to SuG lyrics to translate, these days. :|

I'm doing translations in a very odd order right now, mostly based on what I feel like translating, because currently I'm on a very tight schedule balancing between work and hardcore exam studies. Therefore I'm very sorry that requests are dragging behind. If you have any, please comment on the REQUESTS post, and I'll get to them once I'm done with all this stuff (aka after May).


lyrics: Takeru, music: yuji

Shaking the groove
Clap your hands Clap your hands Mad cool Sounds!
Shaking the groove
It's going on! going on! Don't be afraid.
Shaking the groove
'The devil take the hindmost' Bringing you soon!!
Shaking the groove
Ya! Hey let's go Mad Cool place!!

「Wellcome II madship」

Hit it!

Don't look Back机上の空論 そうさ贅の限りに仮死を貪れ
Taste it ディナーはいかが?
Oh Dead men tell no tales. ha-hahaha It's joke!

Don't regret 人生たらし! you think that the VICTIM?
Are you sure? Chi×Chi
Extra game started.
闇のご加護に添えばケ・セラ・セラ good luck!

Still down?
舵は切られた Nobody Knows You
Still down?

愛し合うなんて ああつまんないや
許し合うなんて ああつまんないや
分ち合うなんて ああつまんないや
こんな人生じゃ 生きてたくないや

贅沢病の猿たちが 声の限りにゴチャゴチャわめく
もっとくれ それをよこせと 嗚呼 生きる欲を此処にぶちまけろ

+のみ貪欲に求めてもなお 兼ね感情(金勘定)、what?反吐が出るさ
I will Rock!! As Soon As
I will Rock!! Just NOW! 心奥底まで骨伝導 blow! How do you feel密の味はどう?

Still down?
蓋をあけりゃ sweetなtragedy
Still down?


愛を乞うなんて ああつまんないや
恋を知るなんて ああつまんないや
息をするなんて ああつまんないや
こんな人生じゃ 生きてたくないや

背負うべき糧が在るだろう 愛すべき場所も在るだろうよ
飯食って傷ついて泣いて 嗚呼 めくるめく刹那を刻み込め

Shaking the groove
Clap your hands Clap your hands Mad cool Sounds!
Shaking the groove
It's going on! going on! Don't be afraid.
Shaking the groove
'The devil take the hindmost' Bringing you soon!!
Shaking the groove
Ya! Hey let's go Mad Cool place!!

「Wellcome II madship」

Hit it!

Don't look Back Academic gossip Yeah, indulge the apparent death in the bounds of luxury
Taste it How about dinner?
Oh Dead men tell no tales. ha-hahaha It's joke!

Don't regret Life seducer!* you think that the VICTIM?
Are you sure? Chi x Chi
Extra game started.
If you'll become one with the divine protection of darkness, que sera, sera**, good luck!

Still down?
If you'd cut the rudder Nobody Knows You
Still down?
If you'll have to live in another place forever you OK?
If you'd be whisked off to year 80 like discharged you'd quickly become at ease in your peaceful sleep

Loving one another, ah, how boring
Forgiving one another, ah, how boring
Parting from one another, ah, how boring
I don't want to live a life like this

To the limits of voice the monsters*** of the luxury disease cry out complaints
Gimme more Hand it over and ah, confess your desire to live, right here

The superabundant calorific values of the uncountable numbers of hopeless [people] fattened this Hyena****

+on top of that, nothing but [people] seeking greed Unpleasant emotions (gold counting)*****, what? I think I'll vomit
I will Rock!! As Soon As
I will Rock!! Just NOW! Bone conduction to the bottom of my heart blow! How do you feel How's the taste of secrecy?

Still down?
Open the cover sweet tragedy
Still down?
In expectationlessism PLAY******

The tomorrow******* of you who has no will to live has a price tag on it, this ain't a sweet world

Asking for affection, ah, how boring
Knowing love, ah, how boring
Breathing, ah, how boring
I don't want to live a life like this

You must be burdened by provisions There are lovable places too, right
Eating dinner, being wounded, crying Ah etch these blinding moments

*tarashi is a verb stem for "to hang, to slouch" and "to seduce". But, it's also used as a noun for men who seduce - often multiple - women with sweet words and appearances. You know. The slimy dudes your mother warned you about.
**Que sera, sera means "whatever will be, will be". It's grammar-wise incorrect Spanish.
***This must be the most free-handed translation of mine. Saru means "monkey", as does the kanji - but it also stands for a sly person or various clasps used in various situations, and even a kind of a prostitute. Some people consider it a taboo word. I couldn't pick one of these, as they all seem to fit the line in a way, so I chose a very artistic way out of it. 8|
****Sorry for the odd long words - but half the kanji you see in the song needn't be kanji at all or is usually written in kana, and the words in this line are extremely difficult and long. Unnecessarily so.
*****The part in brackets is written above the two other words in the lyric booklet. Map. Whatever you call it.
******A monster of a word there, wow. In the kanji "expectation" is in kanji, followed by "less" in English. This is followed by the possessive particle "no" and further by "ism". And if you're wondering about the horrid grammar in the same line, as I've said many times before, I like to try and keep the original structures of the sentences and therefore keep the English words and spaces in place. If you must read it as "play in expectationlessism".
*******In the kanji it reads "future", but "tomorrow" is added above it (brackets here).

Lots of footnotes in my stuff lately. Sorry!

sug: thrill ride pirates

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