Well since I hae more time on my hands I shall get some updating done. So here we are, not my best chapter but hey, I warned youy this time jump stuff could get iffy.
Previous Chapters:
Ch 1: Lord Wirrnächte;
Ch 2: The Waiting…;
Ch 3: First Blood;
Ch 4: Loathing;
Ch 5: Awakening;
Ch 6: Transitions;
Ch 7: Full of Life;
Ch 8: Dark Secret;
Ch 9:Willingly Taken;
Ch 10: Confessions All Good Things Come To An End
It was the fulfilment of a long desire, in fact it was glorious. I had never been as happy as I was when I was in his arms. I may have been the one who took the lead in those early days, but that was to change over the years. I have to admit I was so wrapped up in wonder that I lost track of time, and with each passing year I marvelled at the longevity of our relationship. It was as we had been lovers for a hundred years that I began to wonder if it would last forever. Nothing lasts forever.
* * * * *
Torin was sat tensely in his room. Demetriov was acting strange again. Something that was happening more and more often he found. Over the past few weeks Demetriov had begun slinking off on his own, being gone for hours, turning up just before dawn. When this had first happened Torin had felt annoyed, something in his gut twisting inside him as if in anticipation of the worst. That feeling had been building ever since. Right now, he felt like he was on the edge of panic. As he looked out of the window he saw Demetriov sneaking off into the night. Torin felt anger swell in his chest and couldn’t bear it any longer. He just had to know what was going on.
As he followed in the shadows he thought. Things had been becoming tense between them for a number of years now. Their life together was no longer exciting as it once was, and he found himself craving some freshness in his life. Was this what was the matter with his lover? His insides felt like they were tying themselves up in knots. All too soon he saw houses come into view, and started to berate himself. Perhaps his lover was merely hunting, but unusual that he would go alone. Now curiosity started to take over his thoughts.
He was starting to catch up to Demetriov now, his heart pounding in his chest. His thoughts were in turmoil and it was hard to focus on anything. His heart pounded in his chest and yet seemed to be in his throat at the same time. He was totally confused by the signals his body was giving him. He felt his heart skip a beat as Demetriov looked back and he darted behind a tree in the nick of time. It was from here that he watched astounded as Demetriov checked to see if he was watched and entered a house.
Torin found anger starting to burn away at him now. What was he doing there? The only time he had known Demetriov had done such a thing was when Torin was still mortal. He felt jealousy add to the anger, wrapping its cloying tendrils round his heart, along with a sudden dread. He knew Demetriov well, and he was pretty certain that he was looking for excitement. He found himself grinding his teeth, balling his hands into fists as the jealousy began to dig deeper into his heart. The conflicting emotions fought for dominance for a moment as Torin realised that he had to know what was going on and he had to know right now.
He looked up sharply as he saw light’s flickering in the upstairs room and Demetriov’s laugh ring out. He felt his guts twist again, he had not heard Demetriov laugh like that in a long time. Sneaking into the house didn’t seem like a good idea, who knows what awaited him if he did that. Not thinking entirely clearly he began to climb the tree to try and see what was going on. After nearly falling twice he managed to get to a high enough branch, muttering and cursing to himself, but was not prepared for what he was to see. As he looked through the window the bottom dropped out of his world.
It felt like his heart had exploded in pain and he nearly fell from his perch. He wanted to look away but couldn’t, his eyes grimly locked to the scene before him. Two bodies moving as one, two voices moaning in pleasure, his lover coupled with another.
* * * * *
I still don’t remember how I got out of that tree and back to my room. I felt numb, lost, like I had fallen into a never ending hole, and yet at the same time I felt angry, betrayed and close to crying. I don’t know if I was waiting or not, or whether I was so shocked that sitting there was all that I could do. In the silence I realised something, that the other had been a woman, and a mortal at that. Sudden fear hit me then. Befriending me as a mortal had been dangerous enough, but to take one as a lover… that was a different matter entirely. I didn’t have long to mull things over, as when he returned, it seemed like a red haze covered everything and my emotions took over.
* * * * *
Demetriov knew the instant he walked into Torin’s room that something was wrong. Torin wore a look he had never seen before, the rage radiating off him in waves. Demetriov found himself swallowing hard, feeling a stab of fear at the look in his lover’s eyes.
“Torin.” He approached his lover gingerly.
“Don’t you even dare!” Torin growled dangerously.
Demetriov stepped back as if he’d been slapped, the emotion radiating off Torin was so strong. Torin rose slowly, Demetriov fighting the urge to back away, knowing that he must ride out the storm.
“Why?” Torin asked acidly.
Demetriov stood his ground. “Why what?”
Torin lost it, closing the gap between the two men and punched the elder with a blow that contained all his fury. Demetriov fell back hard onto his ass, pain blossoming through one side of his face.
“You utter bastard!” Torin spat. “You piece of shit! How long have you been seeing her?”
Demetriov sagged visibly under Torin’s onslaught. He wondered rather abstractly how Torin had found out, but that didn’t matter right now. He was about to answer but was interrupted by Torin coming back at him.
“Don’t bother. It doesn’t matter.” He sneered at Demetriov as he rose from his sprawled out position on the floor. “Is she a better fuck than me?” He snarled.
“Torin…” He floundered panicking, he had never seen it coming to this. “It’s not like that.” He fumbled for words, for meaning.
“Then how is it?” Torin rounded on him. “I’m dying to know what possessed you to take up with a mortal, and I can’t wait until the others find out.”
Demetriov gritted his teeth in consternation. “You haven’t told them?” He asked confused.
“Not yet, I’ve been too busy working out what she can do for you that I can’t.” He growled.
“Torin… please, it’s… complicated.”
Torin laughed bitterly. “Now that’s rich.” He sneered.
“Damn it Torin I love you!” Demetriov snapped.
“How dare you!” He practically screamed. “How can you fucking say that when you are screwing some one else!” He ranted. “And a mortal no less. Shit Demetriov how fucking stupid are you?” He was now beyond angry, his rage overwhelming him and did not give the elder time to answer. “You know how dangerous that is, but not only do you see her but you are fucking her as well. Is this some kind of sick power trip?”
As soon as the words were out of his mouth it hit him. He didn’t need to see Demetriov look away, unable to look him in the eye any more to know precisely what was going on. He grimaced with disgust, baring his teeth in a vicious snarl, surprised to see that Demetriov was close to tears.
“Don’t you dare cry!” Torin spat at him. “You have nothing to feel sorry for.” He sat down his jaw set, looking up as the still quiet Demetriov. “So that’s it.” He chuckled bitterly. “Its all about the thrill isn’t it?”
“You don’t understand.” Demetriov replied, his voice barely above a whisper.
“Oh I think I understand a little too well. No matter how you feel about me, you are bored.” His tone was low and dangerous.
“No Torin, I’m not bored of you, I could never be…” He was almost pleading now
“Enough.” Torin snarled. “I’m not sure which is worse, you being with her because you are bored in general, or you going behind my back in such a fucking insulting way. Did you really think you could keep it a secret forever?”
“I don’t know.” Demetriov suddenly snarled, also angry, angry at himself, the situation.
Torin laughed coldly. “But don’t you see, you never have, it took you 100 years to admit how you felt about me. I don’t think you ever know what is going on with you.”
Demetriov screwed his eyes shut. Why did Torin always have to be right? His own emotions were tearing through him now. He was welling up with tears but he had no understanding of why. He turned to look the man he loved and had hurt in the eyes.
“I never meant to hurt you.” He whispered.
Torin laughed loudly. “Too late for that.” He spat.
Demetriov felt the first tears fall, earning a sneer from his disgusted lover.
“Get out!” Torin snarled, turning away from Demetriov, unable to stand the sight of him now.
Demetriov looked pleadingly to his lover, but Torin ignored him, still quietly fuming. He knew it was a lost cause and left, his head down and tears streaming down his cheeks.
* * * * *
I felt so betrayed that I cannot even describe it. To think of him caressing her in the way that he caressed me, sharing his passion with her; I could barely breathe. Weeks had gone by and I had barely seen him, let alone been able to be intimate with him as I wanted to be. He was doing the most dangerous thing possible. If his true nature were discovered it could be the end of us all. The reason for our secrecy is that our numbers are few. A mob could easily destroy our little band.
That was the first of our arguments, and they were always bitter and intense and inevitably the others became involved. After my discovery we moved on, taking him away from temptation, closely watched by us all. Try as hard as I might, I found that I couldn’t stop loving him. In some strange way I understood it, understood his reasons, no matter how much they appalled me. After a while the fighting stopped, and we talked at length. I found myself letting him back in, back into my heart, and eventually, back into my bed.
He swore to stop, but we didn’t quite trust him, but we did let our guard down as time passed. Things were never quite the same between us again, though it was to be expected. While we did become lovers once more, but I never quite forgave him for becoming bored with me. I suppose we should have seen it coming, been more careful, but I was too happy to have him back again. I was a fool, blinded by love that I didn’t see what was right there under my nose. It was inevitable that he would do it all again.
So once again we went around the cycle. He disappeared for nights on end, the bitter confrontation happened when he was discovered and the group moved on. Even then, I was too wrapped up in loving Demetriov, and like a fool I let him woo me, reassure me, and eventually let him back in once more. I wanted him too badly and allowed myself to be swept up in how good he made me feel. I suppose it reflects badly on me that by now it was fear of loneliness that bound me to him, that I was willing to put up with all of this to feel secure. But do we not all make mistakes like mine, bargains with ourselves, compromises we shouldn’t?
By the third time we started this cycle again, we were now in the mid 19th century and I couldn’t take it anymore. My bitterness overwhelmed me, and in the worst of our confrontations I lost control. I hit him over and over again until the rage left me on my knees in tears. He took it as well, took every blow without defending himself, letting me work out my rage and bitterness. As I lay alone that night I realised I couldn’t take the lies, the constant betrayal, and that was the end of things between us. This time I would not let him seduce me back, I would not go there again. I was not to know even the smallest of intimacies again for over a hundred years.
So it was that he threw himself into these affairs with mortal women, much as I had done when I was young and naive. Without me as his lover he no longer seemed to have the moral compunction to try to behave himself. Daniel and Alicia protested and fought with him over and over, while I could not bear to get involved. I had washed my hands of him by this point. None of us were strong enough to get him to stop. I was torn; while I could not stand what he had done to me I would not be parted from him. The part of me that feared that empty loneliness was too strong. I still loved him for my sins, and with time we once again became cautious friends.
Things were set to change for us all over the coming years, though none of us knew quite how much. It was within that same century that events were to take their strangest turn yet.
* * * * *
Author’s notes:
Okay, apologies before I start. Yes I know this was lame, but my fiction is already 55 chapters. No one likes arguments and trust me, their relationship and break up is background for the future. Again, another short chapter but I promise this will be the last for a while. Get ready for a shock next chapter and please stay with me! This is the much updated version. Trust me the original only fit on 1 page. So, ever onward and I will try to make the next one a better read.