Title: Supernatural Wars: A New Faith, Chapter Five
By:Wynna Pendragon
Spoilers: All spoilers for Star Wars, and Supernatural
Warnings: Star Wars fusion.
Summary: Hunted by the Host’s most menacing agents, Prince Castiel races home aboard his starship, guardian of the secret plans that could not only save his
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Comments 16
Being a lil nitpicky here again:
“"It" always important when a royal has a… a mate, if you will. -a lil funky with the wording here unless you were going for the word "it's".
"Its" experienced warriors you are going to need -forgot an apostrophe
Each man looked at one another, nodded, and entered the vehicle with "Casitel" sitting solemnly in the front -lol at spelling error
I'd give you a better comment but as of now, I'm supposed to be in bed like hrs ago XD
I loved this chapter, so much! I'm really enjoying how, as we go, the story is becoming more and more about "Star Wars if these were the characters" rather than "these characters in Star Wars". In all honesty, you've been great about that the entire time, but that doesn't mean it's not getting even better. ^_^
Seriously, though, the connection between Dean and Cas just feels so... fated. It's kinda frightening in its intensity. It makes so much sense that Dean would feel so strongly about it when they're alone, but waiver once others come into the picture. After all, he's Dean Winchester. Since when was -he- allowed any goodness in his life?
GAH! And, Zayder, never stop being a creeper! Also, who killed Jessica? Was it this universe's Boba Fett? *has a not-so-secret-though-it-probably-should-be crush on Boba Fett*
In final words, this chapter rocked! One more to go for New Hope, yes? Aw, Empire Strikes Back, soon you will come!!!! ^_____^
Frightening intensity is really how I wanted Dean and Cas' connection to come acoss ^^. Unfortunately, reality in the form of Sam and Jimmy had to step in *darnit*.
Zayder actually creeps ME out, he brings the evil out in me hahaha. Jessica's killer will be revealed in due time...mwahahahaahhahaa. Boba Fett is pretty awesome, with his cool jetpack and all. There is a vid by Mc Chris called "Fette's Vette" that I think you would enjoy ^^.
Thank you so much for reading and commenting, I'm glad that you enjoyed it ^^. One more chapter to go, then onto the next installment of Supernatural Wars. :)
Say, do you think I could have your permission to record this as an audiofic? I really like this fic. :)
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