now you see me... now you don't

Dec 18, 2010 10:48

Herein lies lots of rambly updaty stuff...

I haven't been around much this week. Now that I have a new laptop, I've GOT to get caught up on my work. I have until Monday to meet a big deadline... one that would normally take several weeks to meet, only now I've only got the weekend. I'm stressed and overwhelmed, but I'll do it. I'm also a bit ashamed ( Read more... )

pimping, real life rambling

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Comments 17

saurina December 18 2010, 18:06:03 UTC
Aww bb, I'm sorry to hear that you have so much work to do, but I'm rooting for you and I know you can make it *\0/* On a more selfish note I can't wait to have you back online more, you've been missed sweetie..:)

I know the feeling in regards to what to give your parents for christmas. Me and my sister have debating back and forth about our parents gifts too, but I think we have desided on the right ones now, at least I hope because we have already bought them, soo no turning back he he..


wynefred December 22 2010, 04:08:47 UTC
Well, I didn't make it, but I did manage to do alot. There's still quite a bit of work to do, but at least now I no longer feel like I'm drowning in it.

Awww... I missed you too! Hope you're having a wonderful holiday! *smishes you*


metallidean_grl December 18 2010, 18:19:45 UTC
RL, sometimes that aspect has just gotta take priority, huh? Glad to hear the new computer is working out well. Can't help you with your problem. Don't know much about windows laptops. You'll get it figured out, I'm sure of it.

Thanks for the fic rec. I didn't have that one on my list and I like that author. I'll have to move it to the top and read it before I start another big long one, which I am soon to be starting. Yay! I love recc'd fics. Can hardly wait. Have a good day.


wynefred December 22 2010, 04:09:50 UTC
I saw you rec the fic at your own LJ. Glad you liked it. :D


(The comment has been removed)

wynefred December 22 2010, 04:10:47 UTC
Heh. That's sweet! Thanks so very much!

Love you too! *hugs back*


justine_andrews December 19 2010, 02:12:44 UTC
Hey sis, I know my kiddos will be glad to have you back interacting with us again. It's killing them to have you locked in your office working. Hope you make your deadline. Get some sleep tonight ok. Love you!


wynefred December 22 2010, 04:13:30 UTC
I miss them too! I'll be out in the livingroom with Baby Brother tomorrow, kinda keeping an eye out with him, so I'll get to see the kids more during the day. Our brother looked so overwhelmed about having them all day! Men are silly. *grin*


justine_andrews December 22 2010, 20:28:38 UTC
Men are silly! I have to point out that it was our brother that OFFERED to watch the kiddos for me while I went to work. Silly, silly man! (thanks for your help today too)


wynefred December 22 2010, 20:34:01 UTC
He's doing okay, though he had a bad headache for a short while today. I made him take some of my softgels and it went away pretty quickly, but he's worn out now. Took a nap while the kids watched TV, but he's been doing pretty well with them today. I'm just here for moral support. :D

See you tonight. Gotta wrap and clean a bit tonight. Yeah? Cool. :D


savedean December 19 2010, 04:20:16 UTC
Oh man, I'm sorry to hear you're having such a tough time right now :( I hope things fall in to place for you *hugs you tight*

If I don't post again soon , I just wanted to say , Merry Christmas sweetheart ♥! I hope you have a fantastic Holiday with your family~


wynefred December 22 2010, 04:16:42 UTC
Thanks, but I did it to myself. I coulda taken steps to avoid this but I didn't. Didn't even try. So now I'm paying for it. S'ok though. I'm not afraid of hard work. :D

Merry Christmas to you too, sweetie! Hope your holiday is FANTASTIC!


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