stuff and things

Dec 12, 2010 23:32

Broke down and bought a new laptop. I hadn't realized how slow the old one was until I borrowed baby brother's. Geez! No wonder I'm struggling to stay on top of my office work! Bought a Toshiba... something. It's nice, but the keyboard layout is different. Specifically, the space key is smaller than I'm used to and I keep missing it. ( Read more... )

real life rambling

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Comments 25

raloria December 13 2010, 05:53:59 UTC
Heh. Jensen IS the "cute boy". ;)

So sorry about your sore head. Owie. I know how nasty migraines can be. Haven't had one myself in a while, but I remember the few I've had well.

Funny. I was just thinking today that I should post a SPN Friending meme for the winter hiatus. Guess I'll have to do one now, huh? ;)


wynefred December 22 2010, 02:40:11 UTC
Now she can tell Jensen from Jared, naming each "cute boy" in turn. She's so cute! I kinda wish we could bring her with us to the convention in Nashville to show her off to the boys. They'd eat her up. :D

A SPN Friending Meme??? Oh, YES! Please do! But after Christmas... maybe even after New Year's too? Please and thank you!


raloria December 22 2010, 05:51:00 UTC
Hey, you changed your header and background again. :)

Aw, the boys would totally love her. ♥

Yeah, too close to Christmas now. I'll wait until after....or like you said, after New Years. But then...look out! lol :P


metallidean_grl December 13 2010, 06:34:12 UTC
Yay!!! You bought a new computer. Good for you. How fun, a new toy. I love new toys, especially if they are computers or some other such goodie ( ... )


wynefred December 22 2010, 02:47:23 UTC
The headache was mostly gone by the time I wrote this post. Fortunately, it only lasted most of a day, then it was gone.

It's been so cold that some of the snow is still around. Should be gone soon, though, since we've had 40-degree weather. Then more snow is expected for Christmas. :D

Brothers. They make you love to hate them. Heh. Mine are really very good, but they can get obnoxious on occasion.

Yup, we need a good friending meme for the hiatus. Not that I need more friends. The ones I have are quite wonderful. I think I just want the distraction, the fun, and the ego-boost that comes with gaining oodles of friends.


savedean December 13 2010, 08:11:11 UTC
Woo~! Congrats on the new laptop! :D
I don't know about Toshiba laptops, but we have Toshiba LCD TV's and they're AWESOME.

Your nieces sound so adorable <333


wynefred December 22 2010, 02:55:33 UTC
Yeah, the new laptop is pretty cool! Thanks!

She shocks me sometimes... she keeps getting cuter and sweeter every day! I never expected to love anyone as much as I love these kids.


savedean December 22 2010, 06:55:03 UTC
I love your last sentence - I have only one niece right now and she is so great. Kids really turn your brain to mush ♥


wynefred December 22 2010, 14:32:44 UTC
Total mush! It's the strangest thing. I'm a rational, intelligent woman, but these kids can totally turn me inside out. Love them so much!


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wynefred December 22 2010, 02:59:14 UTC
I know! She can easily identify both Jensen and Jared now. She loves to look at pictures of them. It's so cute!


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wynefred December 22 2010, 03:00:05 UTC
I am, thanks. The headache went away before the day was out, it just wiped me while it lasted.



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