random stuff

Nov 28, 2010 16:22

Changed my header. It's gorgeous but not really what I want, though it'll do since I can't find what I want. I've looked all over for a good Christmas SPN header, but they're hiding from me. *sigh* I'll look again later ( Read more... )

real life rambling, family

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Comments 11

saurina November 28 2010, 23:04:00 UTC
I saw you header earlier but forgot to mention it's pure awesomeness *\0/*

But if you were going for christmas spirit I definitely see what you mean by it being wrong ha ha.. It's maybe a tad to moody, but then again the Winchester boys aren't really into all that holiday nonsense *wink*

Enjoy your spaghetti bb, I'm at least 5 hours ahead of you so I'm off to bed now..;P

Btw I absolutely love your icon - beautiful!!


wynefred November 29 2010, 00:14:34 UTC
It is truly awesome. (apieceofcake makes the BEST headers!) But, yeah, not really exuding Christmas spirit. None of my headers do! I think I like'em angsty. You're shocked, I know. :P

The icon is very nice, I agree. It's one that talulababy posted a while back. You're welcome to snag it if you credit her. Here's my other SPN Christmas icon... *points to icon*. I really haven't found many I like.

The spaghetti was good, thanks. Hope you had a great night's sleep! *hugs*


(The comment has been removed)

wynefred November 29 2010, 00:17:22 UTC
Heh. Yeah, it was. I haven't regretted moving in with the family. So many heartwarming moments. :)

Thanks! I do love this one. I only wish I could find one that's more Christmassy to fit the season. Haven't given up the search, though.


metallidean_grl November 29 2010, 02:04:58 UTC
Love the new header. Man, I need to get me one. Just need to find the time to put one together. Yeah, right, time. Like it grows on trees. Love your family moments. That is very cool.


wynefred November 29 2010, 02:49:26 UTC
Thanks. I don't make my own headers. Like you said, no time. I just snag most of mine from apieceofcake or raloria. They make really great headers!

Glad you like hearing about the family. Now that I'm living with Sis and her family, I'll be sharing such stories more often. :D


wishflthinkr November 29 2010, 05:52:09 UTC
You'd think there would be a header out there of something from the Christmas episode of Supernatural. Like a cap of the boys clinking their beers together, or the last scene with the Impala and the Christmas lights. Hmm.


wishflthinkr November 29 2010, 05:53:37 UTC
Or should I say EGG NOG, not beer. Get it together, Jen! ;)


wynefred November 29 2010, 15:05:06 UTC
Heh. I knew what you meant. *grin*


wynefred November 29 2010, 15:03:32 UTC
Exactly! I couldn't believe that so few came up on my search. Surely more will pop up as we get closer to Christmas.

I did notice that you made one. If you didn't already figure it out from my comment, I've snagged it. Wanna change my background before I put it up... current background is for autumn, and it's time to update for the new season.

Yay! oh, and... *super duper hugs*


shallowz November 29 2010, 16:52:57 UTC
Chrismassy or not, it sure is pretty.

I'd be willing to bet more will pop up closer to the season.:)

Hope all enjoyed the spaghetti.


wynefred November 29 2010, 22:28:46 UTC
Thanks. I have to agree. Gorgeous boys. :D

I do hope so. Actually, wishflthinkr made a nice one yesterday: http://wishflthinkr.livejournal.com/292287.html

We did. Thanks hon!


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