If only it were this easy all the time...

Jul 21, 2015 15:40

Earlier this month, I had my regular checkup with my general practitioner, during which she frowned at me ferociously. With good reason. All my numbers were up, except weight, which was only down 2 pounds. She adjusted my meds and gave me a month. I'm 3 weeks into it and ( Read more... )

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Comments 22

alleysweeper July 22 2015, 04:42:01 UTC
24 pounds? That's fantastic! Have you noticed a change in how you feel at all yet? Just wondering...

Do chiropractors really help? My rheumatologist is pushing for me to see one.

Yay! on your excellent day!


wynefred July 23 2015, 20:00:19 UTC
Yes yes yes! I'm walking better. Most of the weigh has come from my leg (I carry a lot of fluid in my legs... it's a real problem). Lately, my legs have been so much lighter that, whenever I need to lift them up, they practically fly!

I've had 3 different chiropractors over the years, though the latest I've only seen twice. So far I like him. I've always found that I feel much better when I see the chiropractor regularly. There are lots of different methods they can use, so if you find one you're not comfortable with (for example, if your doctor cracks your neck with his hands and you don't like that) you can request another method or find another doctor.

My current doctor uses a little two-pronged hammer thingy that he rat-tat-tats down my spine to align the vertebrae. Very effective. Another one used electrodes that produced just enough electricity to relax my muscles before he adjusted me. It was kinda relaxing. There are lots of options out there.

Good luck and I hope you feel better!


alleysweeper July 25 2015, 03:54:08 UTC
Yay! It's so heartening to have such a positive payoff! It's funny you mentioned legs. D said the same thing, but not for the same reason. She felt her joints (knees, hips) became less painful while walking due to the loss of the bulky fluid build-up. She thought they were more aligned and her stance was better. You go girl! Only good things to come! ♥

I don't know exactly how Dr.C expects a chiropractor to help me. I have a small, portable Tens unit I use at home. It feels good when it's on, but the effects don't last past the usage. I guess I'll take your advice and at least get a consult to see what options she feels would benefit me.

Thank you! You've been a great help to me!



raloria July 22 2015, 05:23:28 UTC
I told you on IM the other night but...

YAY!!!!! Congrats on the weight loss, hun. :D

Glad to hear you'll be going with the family on vacation, too.


wynefred July 23 2015, 20:19:00 UTC
Thanks! And yeah, probably. I'm looking forward to it. Just hoping the carpal tunnel doctor gets back with me before. Wouldn't it be awesome if we got that taken care of first too!


milly_gal July 22 2015, 07:32:18 UTC
Wow, well done on the weight bb! And everyone has bad numbers months, it's the keeping at it and continuing to try that matters! *hugs*

i'm so glad you decided to go on vacation hun, the beach, the sun, the family time, it'll be good :)


wynefred July 23 2015, 20:22:16 UTC
I've decided that if I lived at the beach I'd be skinny as a rail from walking the shore all day long. Love love love the beach!


dizzojay July 22 2015, 17:50:50 UTC
That's great, well done you!!


wynefred July 23 2015, 20:22:39 UTC
Thanks Diz!


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