The SPN Hiatus & Heatwave Survival Fic-Sharing Meme

Jul 06, 2015 23:56

So, I recently joined spn_bunker thanks to the postings some of flister made about this community's commentfic meme. You know me... I can't stay away from a good commentfic meme. They're an addiction. I only added one prompt, which shows some constraint on my part, yes? Heehee. But the community looks like fun.

In poking around to see what other gems they ( Read more... )

meme: misc, fic rec

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Comments 16

alleysweeper July 8 2015, 03:15:08 UTC
Woot! A fic-sharing meme! I must do this one! :)

Many of the fic's you've shared I read a long time ago. They're definitely worth re-reading. The others I must check out!


wynefred July 11 2015, 17:13:48 UTC
I hope the new ones are some you can really sink your teeth into. And I'm a big fan of re-reading. Have fun! :D


tifaching July 12 2015, 20:30:43 UTC
Thanks for the rec! Hope no one abandons you over it. :)

And so many old favorites of mine to check them out again and all the new ones too.


doylescordy July 14 2015, 01:24:20 UTC
I love K Hanna Korossy's work. Thanks for the recs! Some of these I've read, but others I don't remember so I have some to read now! I'll see if I can dig up some of my favorite stories and send links your way too.


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