Title: A Rather Different Blog 05
Description: Jack's private blog
Summary: Jack tests the effect of coffee on Ianto
Rating: pretty harmless
Disclaimer: Torchwood belongs not to me but RTD and the BBC, I don't get money for any of this.
Author's notes: Written for Day11 of the redismycolour -challenge
lol, you've called for it Jack! ;D
Another uneventful day;
I have found a new game though.
Will observe the effect of coffee on my boy today.
Subsequent notes concerning his state will follow
Surprised him in his office with a hot cup of his coffee;
he never let go of the cup once...
Speaks for a strong attachment to this liquid;
his coffee got cold though.
No particular signs of caffeine withdrawal yet
Team meeting;
snatched the coffee out of his hands and drank it.
Too straightforward?
His glare was more than intimidating;
will try to act more subtle in the future.
His movements are slightly slower;
But might also be a result from yesterday's special Weevil hunting session.
Coffee shortage doesn’t seem to affect his kissing qualities though.
The rift seems to work for me today.
Had to send Ianto down to the archives for research;
he gave me his cup directly this time;
said good coffee shouldn't go to waste.
He was right
and his coffee was good, as always.
Slowly begin to pity Ianto a little;
his nerves seem to be a little strained.
Have given him my patented neck rub;
Helped a little but not enough as it seems
Tosh twisted her ankle on her way down to the archives;
Ianto had to put down another cup of coffee
to help me and Owen carry her over to the medical bay.
Coffee was cold when he returned to his station;
He poured it away with a lewd curse.
Ianto cute when he is miffy;
this side of him is kind of exciting.
Owen will have two days off;
he made a snarky remark when Ianto tried to drink his coffee...
Bad mistake... really bad mistake
Anyway, our doctor will need the next two days to recover.
Will have to cut his coffee withdrawal short
As I don't want to have any more injuries in the name of science.
Sent Tosh and Gwen home, too.
Need time alone with Ianto.
Went to Starbuck's to buy his favourite coffee;
wouldn't dare him to give him my self-made coffee in his state.
My coffee isn't as bad as everybody claims.
Surprised him in the vaults with coffee and biscotti, Italian tea biscuits.
I brought them along because I know how much he loves to eat them with his coffee.
He was more than grateful and swallowed the coffee in one gulp.
Very impressive.
Fed him with more coffee and biscuits.
He slowly seems to recover.
Coffee and sugar seem to have a really stimulating effect on him.
Am currently hiding in my office;
Need a break to recover.
Note to self:
Never give Ianto too much coffee after long absence of caffeine in his bloodstream.
It will get him more than just excited.
Don’t know how much longer I can go on.
Will die of exhaustion if this continues.
Not the worst way to die though;
At least I would go with a bang for once.
Damn, where is the cereal bar Ianto brought me this morning?
I need carbohydrates, NOW.
Found a box with cookies I put in my desk three days ago.
Very good;
Am feeling much better now.
Have to go; he’s calling for me again.