Inspired by Matt Hardy's Arrest. Pictures found by
lyssmich, ideas by us. Comments are screened. Click for game and details.
We have right here 30 pro wrestlers.
9 of them were arrested for DUI's
3 of them were arrested for Assault
3 of them were arrested for Public Intoxication
3 of them were arrested for "Disorderly Conduct"
3 of them were arrested for Multiple Charges Including
1 of them was arrested for Sex Trafficking
1 of them was arrested for Drug Trafficking
1 of them was arrested for Attempted Murder
1 of them was arrested for Kidnapping
1 of them was arrested for Abuse
1 of them was arrested for Exposing Himself
1 of them was arrested for Road Rage
1 of them was arrested for Suspended or Revoked License
1 of them was arrested for Jaywalking
Of the Multiple Charges they were:
Person 1: No Driver’s License, Weed Possession, and not having a seatbelt on
Person 2: Possession, Trafficking, Burglary, and Theft
Person 3: Assault, DUI, and Possession
In a comment match the charge to the person, whoever gets all 30 right first wins. No looking up the answers.
Bonus: if you can guess which charges were deemed false (we're not taking found innocent in court but the decisions being reversed pre-court)
Example answer sheet:
Brad, Michael, Tony, Eric, Matthew- DUI
Tom- Exposing Himself
Mary- Possession (she was innocent- bonus)
etc etc
The people from left to right in order:
Row 1: Hardboy Harrison, Psycho Sid/Sid Vicious, Shad Gaspard, Ric Flair, Sandman, Sean O'Haire
Row 2: Test, Chris Kanyon, Kurt Angle, Marty Jannetty, MVP, Lex Luger
Row 3: Steve Austin, Shane Helms, Dick Slater, Eddie Guerrero, Jeff Hardy, Jim Neidhart
Row 4: Ted DiBiase Jr., Brian Blair, Brian Christopher, Buff Bagwell, Chris Jericho, Christopher Daniels
Row 5: Santino Marrella, Andre the Giant, Alex Riley, Kharma, Big Show, Billy Gunn