Week Name: A Quiet Lull
Date/Time: Friday, November 3rd, 2006 / 4:09 PM
Location: Hogwarts - Grounds - Gardens
Characters: Mason Gibbs, Anyone
Status: Public
Summary: Ivan Mason tries to get back into the social scene, after being withdrawn for no real reason.
Completion: Incomplete
Ivan Fails. Mason does not. )
Comments 5
After all, it was only self defense, Darcy justified to herself as she ducked behind the bushes nearby and slowly, slowly, carefully made her way toward him. It was a fairly accurate blanket generalization to say that when Mason looked innocent someone somewhere was about to get pounced. And he had been very quiet indeed, lately.
"YAH HA!" Darcy cried as she launched herself suddenly out from behind the greenery and toward him. Third years as a whole make for a good cure to boredom.
Mason had indeed but uncharacteristically quiet the past few weeks, but he hadn't been planning anything, nor was he just biding his time. He just hadn't been himself, it seemed. Odd, yes, but nothing sinister behind it. However, now he was ready to resume his role as Hogwarts top troublemaker.
And then she yelled. Much to his surprise, Mason let out a yelp himself, and jumped nearly a foot off the ground. Apparently he was losing his touch.
"Oy, Darcy! Trying to give a bloke a heart attack?"
Darcy clapped him on the shoulder and quickly trotted back to retrieve her bubbles. "Anyway, where've you been lately? You've been quiet." Her tone was dark as she threw herself + bubbles onto the bench beside him. "Very quiet. Some", not that we have any idea who, mind, "would say suspiciously quiet." Darcy watched him closely.
Oh, the wit that boy had. It was amazing.
He looked at her innocently, and smiled. "Me? Nothin'." Knowing what she was probably thinking, he quickly added, "Honest. Just been laying low. It's not good for one's ego to always be the center of attention, you know."
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