Title: Midnight Apologies
Characters/Pairing: Robert/Giselle
Summary: There are some things you can never take back, but you can always try to fix.
Rating: PG
Spoilers: If you haven't seen the movie?
Disclaimer: I don't own Enchanted. :(
Author's note: Here's another Enchanted piece. =) I hope you Enchanted fans like it.
It didn’t make sense. None of it did. He loved Nancy. He was getting married to Nancy. Giselle had just been some girl he had met at random, just a simple face in the crowd that had managed to stick out a little bit more than the others. There was nothing else there. There couldn’t be. )
Comments 2
Anyway I loved your story, as is becoming usual for me.
And thank you very much! n_n I'm glad you liked it.
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